Day 16 - Teach Us to Pray!

Teach Us to Pray!

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jer. 33:3

“We have come to serious times. Events in our world call upon every follower of Christ to be totally in earnest in our relationship with God. To strengthen this relationship and satisfy our emotional and spiritual needs, we must learn the power of prayer. We must plead with the Lord, like the disciples of old, saying, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’” Prayer, p. 1

Heart Questions:

We may be part of 100 Days of Prayer, and we may be praying with our small prayer groups, but have we really learned what it means to pray? Have we ever earnestly cried out like the disciples cried to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray?” If you haven’t done this, why don’t you ask the Lord today, “Please teach me to pray!”

Praise Report:

Although Indianapolis had to cancel the large evangelistic meetings planned pre-GC session, now John Bradshaw is planning to do a series of meetings online which we believe will have much greater reach. We expect tens of thousands of people to attend. Once again, what the enemy has meant for evil, God is turning around for good. This LIVE event starts April 17th. To join this event, click here! For details to help advertise this event, click here!

Day 16 - Prayer Focus

  • Pray that we as a church would ask God to send the Holy Spirit and teach us how to pray in a way that we will receive answers.
  • Pray the online evangelistic series that John Bradshaw and It is Written is planning. Pray that many people will tune in and that many will make decisions for Jesus.
  • Pray for medical professionals and hospitals in your area that are struggling with a shortage of medical supplies. Pray that God would provide what is needed so our health professionals can stay safe.
  • Pray that more people could help make masks and other protective equipment, and that the needed beds, ventilators, and health facilities would be opened to accommodate the surge in medical care needed.
  • Pray for the Chinese ministry in Cebu City in the Philippines. Pray for protection from the Coronavirus for the church there and that more Chinese people will take an active interest in the study of the Scriptures.

Going Deeper - Additional Reading Suggestions for this week:

• Ellen White, The Great Controversy, “Scriptures as a Safeguard,” chapter 37

• Frank M. Hasel/Michael G. Hasel, How to Interpret Scripture, Companion book to Adult Sabbath School Study Guide for 2nd Quarter

To download the week three blog and prayer requests, click here!

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United in Prayer

A global prayer movement including 40 Days of Prayer and 10 Days of Prayer, in which hundreds of thousands of people participate.