Heaven is Waiting!
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:13
“The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church is looked forward to as in the future; but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. We must have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it.” The Review and Herald, March 19, 1895.
Heart Questions:
We are told that the Holy Spirit will be given when we ask. We are also told that Heaven is waiting to give us this gift corporately as a church. So, what is heaven waiting for? Is heaven waiting for you and me? Could it be that we don't truly recognize our great spiritual need? Could it be that we've been content with a little of the Holy Spirit when God is longing to give us a full outpouring?
Day 5 - Prayer Focus
1. Pray for those who have been newly diagnosed with COVID-19. Pray for wisdom for treatment methods to take.
2. Pray for Adventist church members to be foremost in modeling healthy lifestyle practices and natural ways to boost the immune system like eating lots of fruits and vegetables, taking hot and cold contrast showers, and opening the windows to breathe in fresh air.
3. Pray for us as a church to know how to effectively use and share our health message, the “right arm of the gospel,” with online health education, videos, and other creative avenues of outreach.
4. Pray that rather than using this extended time at home to binge on secular entertainment, we would use this time to study God’s Word, to pray, and to read books and watch videos that will grow our faith.
5. Pray for churches worldwide to develop plans to keep church members connected during times of isolation.
Going Deeper - Reading Suggestions for this week:
• Ellen White, “The Last Crisis,” Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 11-18
• Mark Finley, Revive Us Again