The Importance of Nature
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” – Genesis 2:15
“Christ loved to gather the people about Him under the blue heavens, on some grassy hillside, or on the beach beside the lake. Here, surrounded by the works of His own creation, He could turn their thoughts from the artificial to the natural. In the growth and development of nature were revealed the principles of His kingdom. As men should lift their eyes to the hills of God and behold the wonderful works of His hand, they could learn precious lessons of divine truth.” – Ministry of Healing, p. 54
Heart Questions:
A majority of the world’s population now lives in cities and urban settlements. Surrounded by man-made, artificial structures, breathing polluted air, and bombarded with constant noise, it is hard to have quiet, reflective time with God and to enjoy His wondrous works of nature. However, spending time in nature refreshes the body and mind! How much of your time is spent in artificial surroundings or looking at digital content? How often do you take the time to appreciate God’s created nature? Why not make it a point from now on to schedule in regular time in nature to commune with God and learn from it spiritual lessons?
Praise Reports:
- Stephen A.: I praise God for the 100 Days of Prayer. The daily devotions have given me the opportunity of praying with my 9-year-old son.
- Anonymous: The 100 Days of Prayer have challenged me to a closer, more faithful walk with God. I really struggle with a variety of issues, but I can see that victory is possible in Jesus. Praise Him!
Day 83 - Prayer Focus
- Pray for open eyes to see the spiritual lessons in nature. Pray for God to show you ways to spend more time with Him in nature.
- Pray for missionaries, front-line Bible workers, and our Global Mission Pioneers who serve around the world in some hard territories.
- Pray for churches that had not have church growth in a long time to experience a revival for mission.
- Pray for the General Conference leadership as they seek ways to best support the local churches around the world during this pandemic.
Going Deeper: Additional reading suggestions for this week
• "Peace, Be Still" (Desire of Ages, ch 35) by Ellen White
• "Surrender - The Secret to Perfect Peace and Happiness" by Gregory L. Jackson
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