Day 17 - The Word - A Light (May 19)

The Word – A Light

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105

He who receives the first ray of light sent him, and walks in it, bringing his actions into harmony with God's Word, will receive more light. He who walks in the light as it comes, not waiting to have every doubt removed, every mystery solved, will follow on to know the Lord. For him the light will shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. His path will be illuminated as he advances. God's Word will be a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. – Signs of the Times, 9/17/1902

Heart Challenge

Do you remember that day when you gave your heart and life to Jesus? Or that time a sermon spoke to your heart? Or that time when reading a story or passage in the Bible truly convicted you?

God’s Word is powerful. Creator - level powerful. Yet we seem to struggle to let it do its work in our lives. We resort to trusting in our own abilities, intelligence, convictions, instead of trusting the Bible’s promises and also relying on the Divine Wordsmith behind them - the Almighty Creator God, Who is more willing than you could ever imagine to bring to fruition the complete fulfillment of His promises in your life. Will you let Him complete this work in your life? Will you take hold of His Word anew today, believe it, and permit it to do what it says He would do? Will you allow His Word to truly be a light to your path?

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the 7 people on your list.
  • Pray for God to help you gain deeper insight from His Word that you could share with those 7 people you are praying for.
  • Pray and claim specific promises from the Bible to strengthen your prayers.
  • Pray that we as a church will study the word of God and pray like never before so that the Latter Rain will come.
  • Pray for Myanmar as clashes between junta still surges. Pray for a hedge of protection around believers and that they may remain steadfast in faith amidst the turmoil and strife.

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