Believe His Prophets
Believe His Prophets, the sequel to Revived by His Word, is a five-year program reading through the Bible and selected Ellen White writings.
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Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
Faith is taking God at His word. The Son of God is preparing a place for you in the mansions above. Let thanksgiving be expressed for this. Do not feel that because you do not always feel uplifted, that you are not His child. Take hold with humility and zeal to do the work He asks of you. Appreciate every opportunity to do a work that will make you a blessing to those around you. Let it be your determination to do your part toward making the place where you are a place that God can approve and bless.
Unite with your companion in searching the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit will help those who seek the Lord in order to know how to do His work. While you seek to obtain perfection of Christian character, be helpers wherever you are. Praise the Lord at all times. Look on the bright side of circumstances, not on the dark side. Be watchful and prayerful, and the Lord will bless and guide and strengthen you. See how much you can do to bless others.
You are precious in the sight of God. He wants you to cherish the grace of humility and thankfulness of heart. Improve every opportunity of gaining an education, that you may impart what you learn to others. There are many who need your help. The Holy Spirit will use all who will be used.
Truth is purifying in its nature. Let truth and righteousness prevail in your life, and faultfinding will be banished. I pray that the Lord may guide you and strengthen you. Study the words of Christ. Act upon them, and you will be safe.
As you study the Word, and allow the sanctification of the truth to mold your life, the Lord can make you an acceptable worker for Him. All who come together in church capacity should be among the Lord's army of workers. But if the natural traits of character are left unsubdued, in times of crisis, when strong, hopeful words are needed, words of discouragement and hopelessness will be spoken, that bring heavy burdens on the church.... Look constantly to Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of your faith. Walk humbly with God, and do not talk discouragement.—Letter 246, August 13, 1908, to W. R. Strother.