Delighting in the Almighty

Delighting in the Almighty

The only thing better than living the Christian life is enjoying it! What a privilege it is to relish God. This inspiring workbook and audio series, by Michael Dant, shows how we can truly love and enjoy God as we learn to prioritize our time with Him. Dant also takes us deeper in the process and journey of surrender. This series is a must-hear for all those hungering and thirsting for deeper personal revival.

Basic Series Titles:

How Can I Enjoy God

Enjoying God to the Fullest

The Root of the Problem

The Greatest Unused Power

Drowning in the Will of the Almighty

My Story - Michael's Testimony

How to Die and do it Right

Black, White, Grey and Vinegar

Advanced Series Titles:

The Joy of Dying

Staying Dead

What Happens to Self after Surrender

How does a Christian Sin

How am I (Really) Doing Spiritually

What Happens when I Fail

Enjoying God Forever

Irretrievable Surrender

To download the Basic Series workbook, "Delighting in the Almighty," click here!

For both the Basic and Advanced audio/video messages, or to see more resources from Michael Dant, click below!

Delighting in the Almighty!