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Encountering Jesus in Laodicea

Encountering Jesus in Laodicea

In Revelation 3:14-22 we find the appeal to the church of Laodicea and to the church living at the end of time. That's us! God intends that this message be understood and that it change us into an on-fire, Holy Spirit filled, group of people who love God more than life itself, who are willing to lay down all for Him. Many have been blessed by the popular download "Clearing the Way for the Holy Spirit" by Scott Griswold. As you study his next Bible study series, "Love Letter to Laodicea," we pray that God will do an even deeper work in your heart. Let's also pray that God will help the church to understand and live this message, and not be lukewarm any longer.

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Printable Bible Reading Plans

Printable Bible Reading Plans

Download printable Bible reading plans here. There are five plans to choose from: The Bible in One Year - Chronological, The Bible in One Year - Canonical, The Bible in One Year - Variety, One Chapter a Day, and The Bible in 30 Days.


Seven Lessons from the Life of Elijah

Seven Lessons from the Life of Elijah

What do you do when others look to you for spiritual leadership and you are tired, weary, and worn? Do you pretend your strength is invincible? Do you put on an act that you are untouched by discouragement, trials, and darkness? In this moving Holy-Spirit inspired article, we learn fresh timely lessons from the life of Elijah, and practical steps to live at the altar of God even when we are exhausted or discouraged. This article was originally published in Elder's Digest under the title, "Back to the Altar."


Christian Home and Marriage Week

Christian Home and Marriage Week

Christian Home and Marriage Week takes place in February embracing two Sabbaths: Christian Marriage Day that emphasizes Christian marriage and Christian Home Day that emphasizes parenting. Christian Home and Marriage Week begins on the second Sabbath and ends on the third Sabbath in February. We encourage you to take part of these special resources.

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Names of Jesus - Thirty Day Study Challenge

Names of Jesus - Thirty Day Study Challenge

Who IS Jesus to You? In a world that is falling apart, do you long for fresh assurance of His love, and that He is fighting for you? Do you long to love Him more? Enjoy the next 30 days looking at some of the different names of Jesus. One Scripture reference is given with each name. We encourage you to look for additional references that bring each specific name to life for YOU! As you open God’s Word looking for Jesus in fresh ways, pray for the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see Him afresh. As you study out these names of Jesus, pray for a heart to love Him more. (Jer. 24:7)

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The Beauty of Humility - FULL Version

The Beauty of Humility - FULL Version

Psalm 34:18 says, "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." But what does it mean to have a contrite spirit? We believe the following comparisons will give greater understanding to the concept of what it means to walk in humility before God.

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Gaining by Denying: The Benefits of Fasting

Gaining by Denying: The Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is a spiritual discipline mentioned numerous times in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The practice continued with the early Christians, as well as well-known Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley. Adventist pioneers also advocated fasting. Yet, why do we hear so little today about the spiritual discipline of fasting? You will be blessed as Joseph Kidder and Kristy Hodson talk about why fasting should be part of our spiritual life today.


Developing an Authentic Devotional Life

Developing an Authentic Devotional Life

Young people can spot fake from a mile away. They can tell very easily if what you are sharing is a “prepared study” or if it’s something that you are actually living out in a relevant way in your life. So what does it mean to have a genuine authentic devotional life? And how can we experience what Jesus longs to give us? Scott Ward discusses this and much more in this inspiring article.


A Love Letter from Your Heavenly Father!

A Love Letter from Your Heavenly Father!

Do you ever feel discouraged or lonely, wondering if God cares, if He really understands, or hears your prayers? It's time to put all doubt aside as you read this beautiful "love letter" from your Heavenly Father. Pulled directly from the passages of Scripture, this PDF download is one that you may want to print up and keep in your Bible to read often. Never forget, no matter what happens in your life, God loves you! And His love never changes! 


Heart Challenge to Start the New Year!

Heart Challenge to Start the New Year!

This document contains a personal "10-Day Heart Challenge" to help start your New Year on a positive spiritual note. It gives specific Bible passages to reflect upon and as well as prayer thoughts to help you seek a deeper walk with Christ. Whether you do it at the beginning of this New Year, or some other time, we are sure that it will be a blessing! (This is not part of the world church official "10 Days Of Prayer," but is meant to prepare you for this event as we will be seeking a deeper experience with Christ!)

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Praying the Word: Prayer & Promise Cards

Praying the Word: Prayer & Promise Cards

Have you ever wondered how to get started praying the Word? If so, these printable prayer cards, filled with Bible promises and quotes from Inspiration, are just for you. Topics covered include prayers and promises for your spiritual growth, for your children, your marriage, your ministry, for overcoming spiritual breaches, and much more. The promises included will add power to your prayer life. (Also available for download in Spanish. All cards can be edited and personalized!)

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The Way - How to Live Daily as a Disciple of Jesus

The Way - How to Live Daily as a Disciple of Jesus

This beautiful discipleship book, written by Don MacLafferty, will not only be a blessing to you personally, in teaching you how to be a disciple of Jesus, but it can also be used to lead small group Bible Studies. Packed full of engaging activities, heart convicting questions and principles straight from the Word of God, this resource goes straight to the heart of core issues that we need to address today. Jesus is the Way, and He's asking us to follow Him, all the way!

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God First - Fall '22 Stewardship Revival Week

God First - Fall '22 Stewardship Revival Week

These "God First" Fall '22 Week of Prayer materials, organized by the General Conference Stewardship Department, aim to help church members grow in practical ways by cultivating a “God first” lifestyle. Of course, we all know this is only possible when we receive a change of heart, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is our greatest need! The transformation process is activated and expands when we choose to commit and recommit. The Stewardship Revival Week provides the space for this to happen. Even though the “God First” principle should affect all areas of life, these messages cover eight aspects related to developing our intimacy with God and our trust in Him. We pray you are blessed!


Come Home

Come Home

Your family is precious to God! God has a great love for you and everyone you call your family. The small booklet "Come Home," written by Don MacLafferty, invites you to discover God's plans for your family and the place you call home. Through personal stories and testimonies, as well as Bible stories and study questions, you will explore timeless principles that will help you love your family well and safeguard your home in this chaotic time. Find God's vision for what your home could become by His love, His grace, and His power. (Available here in English or Tagalog!)

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Experiencing God through Prayer and Praise - Newly Updated

Experiencing God through Prayer and Praise - Newly Updated

This newly updated inspirational packet, compiled by Jerry and Janet Page, contains many resources on prayer including topics like: Praising God, abiding in Jesus’ love, guidelines for those desiring anointing, encouraging promises and quotes on healing, principles of intercessory prayer, how to pray with your spouse, powerful promises for parents, what to pray for non-Christians, when Satan called a worldwide meeting, and much more. (Download the entire packet or choose topics individually.)

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Discipling the New Generations

Discipling the New Generations

This book of lessons is intended for anyone who wants to grow as a disciple of Jesus and a disciple-maker of children and teens. The lessons are created in a small group format. The first five lessons are for parents or anyone willing to be a mentor to the new generations. You cannot take a child on a journey with Christ that you are not on yourself! These five lessons call us back to live as a disciple of Jesus now. The last twenty lessons are intended for parents/mentors, children, and teens.

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Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation

Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation

For those desiring to learn the proper hermeneutics of Bible Study, or for those looking for a deeper experience in God's Word, we are happy to share this "Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation" PDF download. This practical, informative, and educational document comes to us from the Bible Research Institute of the General Conference and was voted into existence at the GC Session in Rio de Janeiro. We pray it is a blessing.


The Promised Revival

The Promised Revival

Have you ever wondered how God’s work will be finished on this earth? How is it possible for the truth about Jesus and the gospel of His grace to be proclaimed to the ends of the earth so that Jesus can come soon? In this inspiring lesson, by Mark Finley, we will study how God will accomplish His mission in finishing His work. (This Bible study was originally published by the Adventist World, September 2012.)


God First: Stewardship Revival Week

God First: Stewardship Revival Week

God First is not only the title of this Stewardship Revival Week, but it expresses the belief and behavior of all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and choose to live to glorify Him. For that reason, “God First” has become a motto for the General Conference Stewardship Ministries Department and an important principle in its Strategic Orientation. In all that we do (and this Week of Prayer is no exception), we envision people putting God first in their lives. We pray these materials are a blessing!


God's Last Effort to Awaken His People!

God's Last Effort to Awaken His People!

In this captivating pamphlet, Elder A.M. Dart shares the urgent appeal of the "True Witness" to the church of Laodecia. This is a collection of some of Ellen White's most striking statements to God's end-time church. To those who are searching and hungry, this message will inspire and challenge you! It's time to get ready! Jesus is coming soon!


A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study Series

A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study Series

We live in a time of uncertainty, fear, worry, hopelessness, discouragement, depression, increase in suicide, and loneliness. How are we coping each day with what the world throws at us? How do we help others cope? These seven Bible Study lessons, prepared by the General Conference Women's Ministry Department, are based on Revelation 14:6-13, and are one of the most important sets of Bible lessons they have prepared yet. These lessons don’t just inform you, they lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Your heart craves the love and courage found on these pages! Written for both personal study and sharing with others—not just for women—this seven-lesson series unpacks Revelation 14:6-13 in a way you’ve probably never before seen.


Preparing for End-times & Country Living - Quote Collection

Preparing for End-times & Country Living - Quote Collection

Download this PDF for an eye-opening assortment of quotes for God's people in the end-times. From spiritual heart preparation to country living, you will be inspired and convicted afresh by this collection from the pen of Ellen White.


28 Days in Communion with God

28 Days in Communion with God

In this inspiring PDF download, Pastor Gavin Anthony, President of the Iceland Conference, puts together 28 Days of Communion with God. He outlines a Vision for Communion, Consequences of Communion, How Communion happens, Communion and the Bible Story, Examples of Communion, and Communion for Mission. We know that you will be blessed by this inspiring collection of quotations from the writings of Ellen G White.


Leaves of Blessing - Gift Jar

Leaves of Blessing - Gift Jar

Looking for something to inspire and bless your loved ones over Thanksgiving or in the coming year? Why not consider making them a "Leaves of Blessing" gift jar? This is a jar filled with 52+ Bible promises and special quotations from Inspiration - enough to last the whole year if they open 1 per week. Ellen White tells us, “Grasp His promises as LEAVES from the Tree of Life” (Ministry of Healing, p. 65). His promises are our very life! That’s why we need to cling tightly to these promises, especially in times like these! And what better way than giving a gift that keeps on giving.

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Jesus Last Love Letter: A Revival for Children, Youth, and Adults

Jesus Last Love Letter: A Revival for Children, Youth, and Adults

Children, youth, and adults all desperately need to know that Someone loves them and will never leave them in this turbulent time! However, He warned us that prior to His coming, “most people’s love will grow cold.” We see that this prophecy is being fulfilled now! Families are splintering under strain and stress, communities are polarizing, and in our preoccupation to survive these times, we often become too rushed for the One who loves us the most--God. Yet, nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus prescribed a remedy for “love grown cold” in His message to Laodicea, and it has special relevance right now! His message in Revelation 3:14-22 is His last love letter to His people of all ages before He returns. (This is a leadership tool for multi-generation revival!)


Encounter for Revival Power

Encounter for Revival Power

We pray you are blessed by these twenty-six studies on the Holy Spirit written by David Wolkwitz. The messages were originally prepared in 1988 by requests of the General Conference for use by lay-evangelists. Although this booklet is out of print now, this material, based on the Spirit of Prophecy and writings of Ellen White, we believe is timeless.


Live like Elijah!

Live like Elijah!

We live in a world awash in hues of grey. Few risk coloring outside the lines. Fewer still make a stand for anything that might differentiate them from the crowd. Live Like Elijah invites you to discover the life of Elijah, a man who knew God, knew his purpose, and lived each day with fearless faithfulness. He rested in the Providence of God. Explore his life — and live it! Access and read this book, courtesy of Don MacLafferty with In Discipleship.


Revival and Reformation and Last Day Events

Revival and Reformation and Last Day Events

In view of the current emphasis on revival and reformation, it is useful for us to ask what role these elements have with respect to our Adventist understanding of last-day events as revealed in the Bible and the writings of Ellen White. You will enjoy the following article produced by the General Conference Biblical Research Institute. Also you can find many resources for the serious Bible student.

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Hezekiah's Revival

Hezekiah's Revival

This inspirational download takes a look at 2 Chronicles 29-31 and talks about how we can prepare our lives for revival, and how we can pursue revival in a way that will bring true lasting change. This resource, made for both personal study and group study, is a treasure chest of inspiration that you will not want to miss.

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The Diwali festival of light: Five Days of Prayer for My Hindu and Sikh Neighbors

The Diwali festival of light: Five Days of Prayer for My Hindu and Sikh Neighbors

The Diwali festival of light is a sacred celebration for our Hindu and Sikh neighbors. We believe this is a wonderful opportunity for us as followers of Jesus Christ to unite in prayer that all people may come to know the True Light – Jesus – Who desires to shine His light upon everyone (John 1:9). You are invited to participate in five days of prayer, November 2-6, 2021, with the GC Global Mission Center for South Asian Religions (CSAR). During these five days, we will pray for our Hindu and Sikh neighbors in the countries of Fiji, Bali, Guyana, Mauritius, India, and around the world.

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Study on the Character of Christ from Desire of Ages

Study on the Character of Christ from Desire of Ages

If we are called to have Christ's character, what might that look like? This beautiful compilation from the Desire of Ages gives an inspiring overview of the character of Christ. As we gaze at Christ, we will be transformed into His image. Inspiration tells us, "Christ is sitting for His portrait in every disciple” (Desire of Ages, p. 827).


Pray Your Way Around the World!

Pray Your Way Around the World!

Ready to say "I Will Go" but stuck at home in a pandemic? Now you can pray your way around the world! Each line of the prayer map represents a region of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and each station is a city of a million or more. Pray for one city each day, check them off as you go!

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Pointers for Intercessory Prayer

Pointers for Intercessory Prayer

Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” This download will give practical pointers on how to pray bold specific prayers according to the Word of God.


Evangelism Prayers and Promises

Evangelism Prayers and Promises

Are you involved in an Evangelism series or a special total member involvement event and looking for ideas on how to pray? If so this sheet of prayers and promises might be just what you are looking for.


Making Disciples: Reaching Families for Jesus

Making Disciples: Reaching Families for Jesus

In these workbooks, produced by Willie and Elaine Oliver in Family Ministries, topics include Hope for Families, Unconditional Self-Acceptance in Christ, Rivers in the Desert, Sometimes it Hurts When You Are a Mother, Disciple-Making Parenting, Social Media: Blessing or Curse?, Care for Kids Left Behind in Breakup and much more! We pray these resources encourage and inspire you as you seek to nurture marriages, raise children, and build better homes for the Lord.

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Questions of the Heart - Making God's Word Personal

Questions of the Heart - Making God's Word Personal

In Psalm 26:2, David cries, “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart.” In Psalm 139:23-24 he pleads, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (KJV) The following document, "Questions of the Heart" leads us to consider our lives in comparison with Scripture. As we look at Scripture, let us also keep looking to Jesus who alone can make our lives acceptable to the Father (Eph. 2:8-9).


How to Start a Prayer Ministry

How to Start a Prayer Ministry

This booklet, produced by the Oregon Conference, is a how-to guide packed with many wonderful ideas, on starting a prayer ministry in your local church. Let us remember that without prayer, everything else we do will be lacking in Holy Spirit power. Let us move forward on our knees!


How to Use Your Bible - For Children

How to Use Your Bible - For Children

If you are looking for a simple set of Bible studies to help your children fall in love with God and His Word, and to discover Jesus as their very best friend, here's a great resource to start with. With this first guide, you can teach them how to use their Bible, then get them started in one of the three Bible study series below.

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The Godhead Studies

The Godhead Studies

The "Godhead Studies" by Dan Augsburger of Path2prayer Ministries is a series of four Bible studies that provide compelling evidence for the biblical teaching on the Godhead. Central to faith in Christ and salvation, these studies will give you confidence in the Godhead that you may never have had before. Don't miss this powerful collection of studies at:

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Camp Meeting Prayer Room Devotionals - with Melody & Gem

Camp Meeting Prayer Room Devotionals - with Melody & Gem

We hope you enjoyed the prayer room at our General Conference Camp Meeting. The prayer room was open 24 hours a day from May 19th-23rd. Here you will find the quotes and verses from the devotionals that Melody Mason and Gem Castor shared each day in the prayer room!

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The Beauty of Humility - 1 page Summary

The Beauty of Humility - 1 page Summary

Up until now you may have considered yourself a fairly humble person. However, this short “Healthy Heart Challenge” is sure to challenge you in new ways, as you seek to go deeper in your walk with Christ. Remember, true revival can’t begin until we recognize how desperately we need Christ to change our hearts. Then as we fall broken at the foot of the Cross, surrendering our pride and self-sufficiency to Him, it is His joy to encircle us in the arms of His love, and make us new creatures that will display His glory!

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Clearing the Way for the Holy Spirit to Work

Clearing the Way for the Holy Spirit to Work

Feeling like there is a block in your spiritual walk or wanting to know how to go forward. This document will cut to the heart as we consider the road blocks that need to be moved so the Holy Spirit can work freely in our lives.


How to Surrender Self

How to Surrender Self

What does it mean to surrender self and how does one truly do it? That is always the million dollar question! However, in this inspiring booklet by Joe Crews, we believe you will find some very helpful answers and be taken deeper in your walk with God along the way. Don't miss this powerful read!


30 Days to Reach the World - Prayer & Outreach Challenge

30 Days to Reach the World - Prayer & Outreach Challenge

Jesus promised that the love He would show on the cross would be so powerful it would draw all people to Himself (John 12:32). Millions of Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and others have not yet heard His story in their language. With thousands of distinctly different unreached people groups, how will the work ever reach every kindred, tribe, and tongue? The Bible and Ellen White’s writings are overflowing with God’s specific methods. Take the challenge, 30 Days to Reach the World, to discover God’s strategic plans, along with meeting 30 unreached groups of immigrants, refugees, and international students. Pray, care, and reach the world next door.

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Unity and the Latter Rain

Unity and the Latter Rain

As God’s people at the end of time, have we been counseled to “press together”? Is there an enemy, perhaps even evil spirits, who are actively working to divide and destroy us? How can God’s people resist this type of subversive division? In the Bible, the subject of unity is linked inseparably to the body of Christ. If we wish to be made completely into the image of Christ, that image is one of unity. We pray you are blessed by this inspiring article by Tim Saxton from White Horse Media.

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Boosting Resilience and Preparation for the Final Crisis

Boosting Resilience and Preparation for the Final Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis. It’s not only a threat to our physical health. Even those who haven’t themselves been infected are still affected by the various consequences of the pandemic. Here are some ways to boost psycho-social-spiritual resilience in this and other spiritual crises we may face. Inspirational thoughts from Ellen White, "Preparing for the Final Crisis" are included.

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Keys to Adventist Community Services

Keys to Adventist Community Services

God has called every Seventh-day Adventist Church to be a transforming agent in its community, following the method of Jesus to bring help and hope through ministries of compassion in His name. Adventist Community Services (ACS) is the descriptive label for a wide range of public services provided by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In this booklet, created by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department, your church can learn how to create an organized response to the needs in your local community.


Cultural Adaptations in Witnessing

Cultural Adaptations in Witnessing

The following is a growing collection of quotes from Ellen White’s writings, on cultural adaptations in witnessing. This is not a comprehensive collection, but still contains a wealth of inspiration. May God help us as we learn how to gently and meekly share the truth with those around us.


Praying for the World Next Door

Praying for the World Next Door

Would you like to know how to pray more intelligently for those around you--those of other cultures, and religions? This beautiful booklet, compiled by Scott Griswold, gives some excellent and inspiring pointers. We pray you are encouraged to spend even more time on your knees.


Ten Specific Prayers for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Ten Specific Prayers for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

In this printable handout, you will find ten specific prayers to give focus as we pray for revival and spiritual awakening! From praying for our churches, our communities, and those of influence, let us plead that God would do an even greater work than He's ever done at any previous revival. It's time for His Holy Spirit to be poured out!


Seeing Jesus with New Eyes

Seeing Jesus with New Eyes

This beautiful collection of Bible verses covers some of the biblical names and characteristics of Jesus. It is awe-inspiring and faith building, and as you read and contemplate the matchless charms of Jesus seen throughout the Scriptures, you will find yourself wanting to know Him even more.


International Women's Day of Prayer 2020: Virtuous Living in a Unvirtuous World

International Women's Day of Prayer 2020: Virtuous Living in a Unvirtuous World

March 7, 2020, is International Women's Day of Prayer. This year's sermon, "Virtuous Living in an Un-virtuous World," was written by Melody Mason, author of "Daring to Ask for More," and the soon-to-be released "Daring to Live by Every Word." The resource packet also contains a Sabbath School program and afternoon seminar written by Melody. Whether you use these sermons on March 7 or some other date, we know you will be blessed.


The Most Important Ingredient in Church Growth

The Most Important Ingredient in Church Growth

Faith and optimism—two simple words that can change you, your church, and your future. A positive, healthy attitude based on hope and faith is the number one human ingredient in church growth. In this inspiring article produced by Ministry Magazine (Dec. 2012), author and pastor Joseph Kidder shares real life examples that will challenge your thinking paradigm in leadership.


Scripture Memorization Tips

Scripture Memorization Tips

Wanting some tips and tools to help you learn how to start memorizing Scripture more effectively. The following handout and websites will give some points in the right direction! Let us hide God's Word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him (Ps. 119:11)

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The Call to Revival

The Call to Revival

One of the most outstanding appeals made by Ellen White for Revival and Reformation was published in the Review and Herald under the title "The Church’s Need." This much sought-after article has been reproduced in its entirety and is being shared here. We pray this inspires you as it has us!


Bible Quiz - What is our Mission?

Bible Quiz - What is our Mission?

Have you ever wondered what our mission is as Seventh-day Adventist and how you would share that mission with others? This simple Bible quiz created by evangelist David Steward was given to a group of high-school students. Not one of the 120 students who received the quiz realized that the questions had anything to do with one of the most significant teachings of our church. Would you know the answers?


4th Quarter Prayer and Fasting Materials

4th Quarter Prayer and Fasting Materials

If you ask for prayer requests at a typical prayer meeting or church service, you may notice the responses have common themes—prayers for health, jobs, finances, or relationships. You may notice something missing, however: deeply personal prayer requests about internal battles, spiritual struggles, or for help in facing doubt, fear, and discouragement. Are we praying about our own needs in moments alone with God? Are we wrestling with Him through personal conflict? Asking for guidance and wisdom? Talking to Him like a friend about the things on our hearts? Prayer doesn’t only change the world around us. It changes us.

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10 Ways to Organize Outreach for your Church

10 Ways to Organize Outreach for your Church

In this PDF download, you will find a big picture strategy planning guide for annual, regional, and individual plans to grow outreach in your church. Included is the evangelism cycle, a five point evangelism plan and more.


Quick Start Guide for Prayer Ministries

Quick Start Guide for Prayer Ministries

This inspirational collection of prayer resources, prepared by NAD Prayer Ministries coordinator Ruthie Jacobsen, is a great guide to starting prayer ministries. Also, included in this resource booklet is how to spend a day in prayer, how to make your prayer life effective, how to do group Bible study, and how to get your church involved in prayer evangelism.

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Fundamentals Review

Fundamentals Review

"Study to show yourself approved unto God!" the Bible tells us. Do you understand what you believe and why? Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. We pray you are blessed by this review. To make it more meaningful, we encourage you to use your Bible to look up all the references.


Revival Plan - Reading through the Testimonies

Revival Plan - Reading through the Testimonies

Would you like to learn how you can read through the entire Testimonies in just 16 months? This unique reading plan makes this goal achievable. When you sign up for the program you'll receive a free message daily with text and audio of ten pages from the Testimonies. Ellen White writes, “The volumes of Spirit of Prophecy, and also the Testimonies, should be introduced into every Sabbath keeping family, and the brethren should know their value and be urged to read them." (4T 390)

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The Divine Teacher - Bible Study

The Divine Teacher - Bible Study

Have you ever been perplexed about some decision and wished that you could talk directly to Jesus? Have you ever wished for someone to give you counsel to guide you in the right direction? In this short but inspiring Bible study, Mark Finley shares how the Holy Spirit has been given to lead us, guide us, and give us wisdom. (Reprinted from Adventist World, March 2011)


Salvation's High Cost - Bible Study

Salvation's High Cost - Bible Study

We often value objects based on their cost. If the price of a particular item is high, we value it much more than we value an object with a lower price tag. Have you ever found something you really wanted to purchase, but when you looked at the price tag you decided it was far too expensive? Most of us have had that kind of experience more than once. This Bible study download by Pastor Mark Finley, originally shared in Adventist World August 2014, helps us catch a glimpse of the high cost of Salvation.


Heart Religion

Heart Religion

In this short article, originally published in the Adventist World in August 2014, Raúl Quiroga shares from personal experience how God performed surgery upon his own heart. He speaks of a practical and meaningful heart religion, of which we all need today. We pray that this article is a blessing!


Needed: Men of Prayer

Needed: Men of Prayer

E. M. Bounds wrote: “What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer." In this inspiring article, Claudio Consuegra not only gives motivation for the need for men of prayer, but he also gives some practical suggestions for moving forward in prayer. This article was originally published in the Adventist World (NAD), September 2012 edition.


Sola Scriptura and Ellen White

Sola Scriptura and Ellen White

We have the Bible. Do we really need Ellen White? The following article, by Tim Poirier, sheds light on this question as he shares how the Holy Spirit has worked through prophets down through the ages, and how He still works through the Spirit of Prophecy today. This short read will be a blessing. This article was originally published in the Adventist World March 2011 issue.


Asking for the Holy Spirit

Asking for the Holy Spirit

Ellen White writes, "In giving the Holy Spirit, it was impossible for God to give more. To this gift nothing could be added. By it all needs are supplied. The Holy Spirit is the vital presence of God, and if appreciated will call forth praise and thanksgiving, and will ever be springing up unto everlasting life." The following reading from the pen of Ellen White, gives us some beautiful inspiration on how to pray for the Holy Spirit. You will not be the same after this reading.


How to Give Personal Bible Studies

How to Give Personal Bible Studies

In this handbook, produced by the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department, Calvin Smith outlines five types of Bible studies, how to find Bible study contacts, how to give a Bible study, what to do when you arrive at the study, gaining decisions for Christ, and much more. We pray this resources is a blessing!

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The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

In this short download we are reminded of why "Gratitude" is so important! This page of soul inspiration comes from the recent Executive Committee Newsletter (Jan/Feb 2019). We pray you are re-inspired with a spirit of gratitude for all God's blessings, for truly, a merry heart does good like a medicine.


What is in Your Heart?

What is in Your Heart?

In this inspiring and thought provoking article, Dr. Ekkehardt Mueller shares practical lessons from the Biblical character Ezra. As we will learn from life of Ezra, study of the Word of God is a prerequisite for knowing God, His plan of Salvation and His will. It is also the foundation of the Christian's spiritual journey. This article, from Elder's Digest, is sure to be a blessing!


How to Study the Bible: Training by Alistair Huong

How to Study the Bible: Training by Alistair Huong

In this downloadable handout, Alistair Huong uses some of William Miller's "Rules of Interpretation" to teach us how to study God's Word. We pray that you are blessed by these handouts as you seek to dig deeper in God's Word.


The Bible and Business

The Bible and Business

In this inspiring Bible study, Michael Cafferky, Retired Business Executive & Professor from Southern Adventist University, talks about the grand Biblical themes and their implications for business. What is the Biblical foundation for business? How does the Bible affect our every-day business practices? "Religion and business are not two separate things; they are one," writes Ellen White. We believe this study will be a blessing for any seeking to use their business to glorify God.


Conflict Beautiful

Conflict Beautiful

If you want to read through the entire Conflict of the Ages Series in a year, this month-by-month reading plan is for you! Ellen G. White wrote this series of books to help us understand the full meaning of the Bible. Day by day you will have Bible verses to read along with the inspired writings of Ellen G. White, until you read the entire Conflict of the Ages set through. For the newly redesigned "Conflict Beautiful," Conflict of the Ages book set, click links!

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Reach the World - It is Personal!

Reach the World - It is Personal!

The church’s "Reach the World" strategic plan calls on every member to share Jesus. In this inspiring testimony, Andrew McChesney shares how church members in Kenya have been doing just that. In fact, since the initial writing of this story, over 50 pastors of other denominations have now made the decision to become baptized Seventh-day Adventist. This testimony is still unfolding even today...


Heart Work

Heart Work

In Desire of Ages we are told, "All true obedience comes from the heart. It was heart work with Christ. And if we consent, He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses." (The full quote is available here for download and print!)


The Gift of Prophecy - Sermon

The Gift of Prophecy - Sermon

Once a year the Ellen G. White Estate shares materials for a special Sabbath to promote the Spirit of Prophecy and our Adventist Heritage. This year, that Sabbath is October 20th, 2018. However, the following sermon, written by Alberto Timm, Associate Director of the Ellen G. White Estate, is sure to be a blessing to your church, whenever you choose to share it!

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Life and Death on Hacksaw Ridge

Life and Death on Hacksaw Ridge

In Adventist circles, the story of Desmond Doss's bravery and how he faced persecution from fellow soldiers is repeated over and over. Now, seventy-one years after his heroic efforts, saving the lives of so many, the Desmond Doss story is being shared with the world. So how do we respond to the questions that many may ask as a result of this movie? Here's some pointers. (This article is reprinted and shared from the magazine: "For God and Country: A Journal for Seventh-day Adventists in Military and Public Service" Issue 3, 2016.)


WOWING those who wait on Him!

WOWING those who wait on Him!

How do we find a faith that won’t flounder in fear? It is said that the canary learns to sing in the dark. We also learn a life of faith when we are alone in the quiet, often in the dark times. In stillness before God, we learn to wait on Him, even if there are storms all around.


When All Else Fails: The Power of the Word

When All Else Fails: The Power of the Word

In this inspiring article, Jill Morikone shares a personal testimony about how the Word of God can calm a restless and broken heart. She also shares practical tips for how we can incorporate the Word of God into our own daily life and experience a more vibrant walk with Him. This articles was originally featured in "The Journal: A Resource for Ministerial Spouses," Vol. 32. Fourth Quarter 2015.


Apples of Gold

Apples of Gold

The Bible tells us in Prov. 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." This download titled "Apples of Gold" is a creative worship activity for your family using words. We pray that you and your family are blessed as you reflect on the life of Jesus and the Scriptures thru this activity.


Praying for Personal Healing

Praying for Personal Healing

In James 5:14 we are told, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” In this enlightening article, Derek Morris talks about how to pray for healing and what Biblical anointing should look like today. (This article comes from Vol. 32 of "The Journal: A Resource for Ministerial Spouses.")

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When God Orchestrates a Family!

When God Orchestrates a Family!

In this inspiring article, originally published in Ministry Magazine, Donna Willey, author of the book From Despair to Deliverance, shares some of her personal testimony as she challenges her readers to have faith in God even when difficulties and painful circumstances cloud the vision. We pray that this testimony will inspire your faith!


Ninety-Five Theses on Righteousness by Faith

Ninety-Five Theses on Righteousness by Faith

In the final hours of earth's history "one interest will prevail, one subject will swallow up every other--Christ our righteousness." (Sons and Daughters of God, p. 259). The following is Ninety-Five Theses on Christ and righteousness by Faith (Apologies to Martin Luther!) This came out of the archives of Ministry Magazine. We pray you are inspired as you read this download.


The Spiritual Life of an Administrator

The Spiritual Life of an Administrator

In this download, Elder Ted Wilson shares 20 practical and foundational keys for spiritual growth and success in life and ministry. While this message was given specifically to church leaders and organizational administrators, this download will be a blessing to any that are looking for spiritual growth in their life and ministry.


Hope is Infiltrating Public Campuses

Hope is Infiltrating Public Campuses

Throughout New York State, students who have a message of hope are infiltrating public university campuses. From the streets of Manhattan to the cities in upstate New York, Adventist students, enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs, are finding community with each other through Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) groups on their college campuses. Here's their testimony, as published in The Adventist Chaplain magazine.

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Friends of Hope Materials

Friends of Hope Materials

Looking for fresh opportunities to be a witness? What about helping your visitors at church feel welcome. April 14th, 2018 is official titled "Friends of Hope" or "Visitor Day" by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department of the world church. We pray these leadership materials, prepared by Elder Paolo Benini, Sabbath School Personal Ministries Director for the Inter-European Division, are a blessing, for any Sabbath can be a "Friends of Hope" day!

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Youth Morning Watch Bible Reading

Youth Morning Watch Bible Reading

Regular Bible study and prayer is the best way to begin having a real, growing, authentic relationship with God. This Morning Watch Calendar for Youth follows the Believe His Prophets Daily Bible Reading Guide for 2017. Each chapter has a study verse to be memorized as the Youth Morning Watch verse of the day. Remember and pray His Word in your life every day. “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11, NIV)

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Youth Week of Prayer 2018: Leadership and Character – People of the Bible

Youth Week of Prayer 2018: Leadership and Character – People of the Bible

Inspiration tells us, "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!" (Education, 271) Join young people the world over in the 2018 Youth Week of Prayer. The following materials are from the General Conference Youth Ministries.

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The Interpretation of Scripture

The Interpretation of Scripture

The Bible tells us, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). In this article authored by Gerhard Pfandl originally in the "Perspective Digest" (a publication of the Adventist Theological Society), we gain some deeper insight into what it might mean to rightly divide the Word of God, using a method of interpretation that is in harmony with the Word itself.

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Marriage Success for Leaders

Marriage Success for Leaders

How do you build and maintain a happy healthy marriage amidst the demands of work and busy ministry? In this short inspiring article,Willie and Elaine Oliver, directors of the General Conference Family Ministries Department, share keys to help your marriage not only survive, but thrive even in the busiest of times. (This article was taken from the General Conference Executive Committee Newsletter printed in February of 2018.)

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The Privilege of Servant Leadership

The Privilege of Servant Leadership

As Christians, we are all called to be servant leaders to tell a world immersed in darkness that the ultimate Servant Leader gave all just so He could spend eternity with us. But what does true servant leadership look like? The following article, from the magazine "For God and Country" (Issue 13, Vol 14) produced by the General Conference Chaplaincy department offers a glimpse of what servant leadership might look like!

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Personal Tips from Ellen White on Coping with Depression

Personal Tips from Ellen White on Coping with Depression

Did Ellen White suffer at times from depression? You might be surprised by this inside glimpse into her personal life. This article, written by Tim Poirier, vice director of the Ellen G. White Estate in Silver Spring, Maryland, is taken from The Journal: A Resource for Ministry Spouses (Vol. 34, Third Quarter 2017).

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Seven Secrets to Happiness

Seven Secrets to Happiness

Everyone is looking for happiness, but how do you get happiness in a world that lives under the curse of sin? How do you find a lasting joy that will endure? The following handout, although written specifically for pastor's wives, will inspire women everywhere in how to find contentment in their current circumstances of life.


Getting Thru the Dark Days - Bible Study (With Mark Finley)

Getting Thru the Dark Days - Bible Study (With Mark Finley)

We all have dark days from time to time, days we wish we could just stay in bed. Like a dark cloud, discouragement hovers over us. In this lesson, Mark Finley outlines life-changing principles to help you get through the tough times. These biblical principles will make a positive difference in your life. We pray this lesson is a blessing!


Steps to Personal Revival

Steps to Personal Revival

What did Jesus teach about the Holy Spirit? Is there a spiritual cause to our problems? Is the cause a lack of the Holy Spirit? How can we grow to be happy and strong Christians? How can the Holy Spirit fill our lives today? In this inspiring book, Helmut Haubeil answers some of these important questions and much more. This book is already translated into 28 languages and is sure to change your life as it has many others!

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Promises from 10 Days of Prayer

Promises from 10 Days of Prayer

Every promise in the Bible is like a love letter from God. "I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake. I will give you peace. I will deliver you." There are thousands of these such promises hidden all through the Scriptures. This short printable handout is a compilation of a few promises from the 10 Days of Prayer. We pray that these promises speak to your heart in a special way today.

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Reaching the Unreached - Children's Story

Reaching the Unreached - Children's Story

In this resource, specifically designed for young children, you read the story of Jess's party and how important it was that he invite all his friends to be part of the celebration he had prepared. Your young ones will learn why it's important not to leave anyone out from the gospel invitation.


2018 - 2nd Qtr. (April 7) - Fighting for our Marriages

2018 - 2nd Qtr. (April 7) - Fighting for our Marriages

The enemy is doing all in his power to destroy our lives, and he starts his first attack against the family, and against our marriages. He knows if he can break that down, he has us. Society is falling apart as a result of so many broken homes. Now is the time to take a stand, and say no more. Now is the time to pray for your spouse as you've never prayed before. Join us as we lift up couples (and singles too) on this special day of prayer and fasting.

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2018 - 3rd Qtr. (July 7) - Fighting for our Children

2018 - 3rd Qtr. (July 7) - Fighting for our Children

As the song goes, "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world." And now we are setting aside a special day to pray, not just for our families, but especially for our children. Whether your children are grown or still babies, this is a time to come together corporate interceding for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on their lives. Join us as we pray for our children!

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10 Ways to Get the Most out of 10 Days of Prayer

10 Ways to Get the Most out of 10 Days of Prayer

Maybe you'd like to be part of 10 Days of Prayer, but you don't have a church group to join, so you aren't sure where to start. This short download will give you some ideas of ways you can be involved. And remember, 10 Days of Prayer doesn't just have to be for January. You can do it on your own anytime of year!


Online Bookshelf - Recommended Reading

Online Bookshelf - Recommended Reading

Looking for some good reading options to grow your walk with God or boost your faith. Here you will find some of our favorite recommended reading material. Of course we can't give these books away. You will have to order them or purchase from the bookstore. However, these resources are sure to grow your love of the Word, grow your passion for prayer, and they will also inspire you to deeper consecration as you see how God has worked in the lives of His people. So happy reading!

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Prayer and Promise Card - New Additions!

Prayer and Promise Card - New Additions!

We've added some new categories (Prayers and Promises for: Times of Trouble, Physical and Spiritual Healing, and Comfort in Sorrow), as well as some new languages to our "Praying the Word" collection. If you are wanting to add some dynamite and power to your prayer life...what better way than by claiming God's own Word!

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All True Obedience Comes from the Heart

All True Obedience Comes from the Heart

All true obedience comes from the heart. It was heart work with Christ. And if we consent, He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses. (To get a download of this beautiful quote, ready to print or share with your church, click this link!)


Spending Time with Jesus - For Kids!

Spending Time with Jesus - For Kids!

Wondering how to help your children make devotions interesting and engaging. The following download gives some practical tips for young minds to grow their daily time with Jesus, from how to explore Bible stories, to prayer time, worship kits, and how to read Bible verses. We pray this is a blessing for you and your children.


The Test of Discipleship

The Test of Discipleship

We hope you enjoy this excerpt from the book "Steps to Christ" as we reflect on what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ. "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." (James 1:22)


Escaping the Pornography Tornado

Escaping the Pornography Tornado

This download, provided by The Journal for Ministerial Spouses, shares an amazing testimony of how one couple escaped the pornography vacuum that was destroying their marriage. If you know someone struggling in this area, this is a must read!


International Women's Day of Prayer 2017: Passionate Prayers and Fearless Faith

International Women's Day of Prayer 2017: Passionate Prayers and Fearless Faith

This download for 2017 International Day of Prayer, written by Gina Wahlen, and hosted by the Women's Ministries department, includes both the sermon outline, powerpoint that corresponds with the sermon, and the prayer program.


Ideas for Celebrating Sabbath in the Cities

Ideas for Celebrating Sabbath in the Cities

If you live in a city, it's not easy to get into nature on Sabbath. Some congregations spend all day inside the church. But it's very important that your children have a variety of positive and creative Sabbath experiences. The following download from The Journal for Ministry Spouses gives some great suggestions. (Vol. 30, 1st Qtr. 2013)


Lessons from Andrew on Humility

Lessons from Andrew on Humility

Jesus had twelve disciples, and each of their stories can teach us powerful lessons. But the story of Andrew is especially interesting. He had a powerful impact on the lives of others, even without recognition. Read on as Lucia Mapiye Gwaze shares her insights.


How to Partner in Prayer with Others

How to Partner in Prayer with Others

In this short practical to-the-point download, Peggy Casebier talks about why prayer partnering is so important, guidelines for prayer partnering, working thru barriers in prayer partnering, and what to pray about as prayer partners.


The Power of Humility

The Power of Humility

In this inspiring article, Esther M. Bailey talks about how being willing to be genuine, authentic and humble actually strengthens the influence of those in leadership. Esther also shares practical ways that leaders can humbly lead and instruct others to a higher standard. This is a must read!


The Discipline of Fasting - Sermon Outline

The Discipline of Fasting - Sermon Outline

Would you like material to help you preach about the importance and discipline of fasting? The following is an outline put together by speaker, author, and host of Hope Sabbath School, Derek Morris. May this resource be a blessing!


The Sentinel at the Door

The Sentinel at the Door

In 1899, Ellen White attended a camp meeting in Newcastle, Australia. The meetings were so blessed by the spirit of God that she later wrote how she’d never attended a meeting where it was so evident that the heavenly host was walking among them. During this very special camp meeting, she spoke and shared a dream that God had recently given her. This is the dream!


2018 - 1st Qtr. - Fighting for our Family

2018 - 1st Qtr. - Fighting for our Family

We all have loved ones that we long to see have a closer walk with God. The theme for this quarter's day of prayer and fasting is titled, "Made Strong Through the Power of the Word: Interceding for Our Family." These materials will give you helpful tools to pray together as a family, and as a church family for your loved ones. (These program materials can be used again and again.)


ATTITUDES to Embrace in Bible Study

ATTITUDES to Embrace in Bible Study

This short and inspiring download gives some specific attitudes that we should embrace as we approach our Bible study each day. Let us pray that God would give us His heart and His Spirit as we approach His Holy Word.


Recalling our Healthy Heritage

Recalling our Healthy Heritage

How did Seventh-day Adventist become so health conscious? And why is it that we tend to live longer than those that live the typical average lifestyle? This inspiring article takes a look at our healthy heritage and reminds us of health principles that are still important to our lives today.


REAP: A Simple Way to Study the Bible

REAP: A Simple Way to Study the Bible

Wanting a few simple keys and tools for how to make your Bible study more meaningful? REAP is sure to get you on that track! This is a download you will want to print and keep in your Bible!


Watch and Pray Pointers - by Cathie Hartman

Watch and Pray Pointers - by Cathie Hartman

What might "Watch & Pray" mean practically for us today? Cathie Hartman decided to research this topic a bit more, and this is what she found. As a result of putting these simple principles into practice, Cathie and her family have seen many answers to prayer and miracles in their life.


God's Pain versus the Enemy's Pain

God's Pain versus the Enemy's Pain

Do you find yourself growing resentful to God about the bad things that are happening in your life? Do you sometimes wonder how a loving God could allow certain things to take place? Maybe it's time to review the character of God versus the character of our Enemy and deceiver.


Removing the Spiritual Breaches

Removing the Spiritual Breaches

In Isaiah 58, God’s people are instructed, “And thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in” (Isa. 58:12). How do we become the repairer of the breach for the church, or for those lost in darkness? We start by asking God to help us remove the "breaches" in our own heart and life!


Calling All Men

Calling All Men

It's easy to settle for spiritual mediocrity when that's the kind of world we live in. But God is asking for more of today's Christian men--He's calling for a higher standard. The following inspirational and convicting download gives an outline of the kind of men God is seeking to help labor in the harvest. With God's help, you can become this kind of man!


Children's Day-by-Day with Jesus Bible Reading Guide

Children's Day-by-Day with Jesus Bible Reading Guide

This printable foldout, produced by the General Conference Children's Ministries Department, is an abbreviated Bible Reading plan designed for children. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6)

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Developing Your Public Speaking Skills

Developing Your Public Speaking Skills

Wanting to grow your public speaking skills? The following resource, produced by the General Conference Women's Ministries department, has many practical tips and tools to help you along the way. The Bible tells us, "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is within you." (1 Pet. 3:15)


Alive to Self versus Alive to Christ

Alive to Self versus Alive to Christ

This short and simple "Healthy Heart Challenge" helps us see the ways we are either living for self, or living for Christ. We pray that this inspires all who read to be ALIVE to Christ. "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." Gal. 2:20


Promises to Claim for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Promises to Claim for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

The following is a collection of Bible promises and Spirit of Prophecy quotes that we can claim as we pray for a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives and church. God is faithful. His Word does not return unto Him void. Claim these promises! God will answer! In addition to this collection of quotes, we are also offering the free booklet "God Still Lives" for download. This book shows in living reality what Holy Spirit living looks like. We know you will be blessed! Dare to ask for more!


Prayerful Ways to bring Unity to Your Church

Prayerful Ways to bring Unity to Your Church

The Bible says if we humble ourselves, He will lift us up. In this short PDF, we share five actions that will help bring unity to your church or circle of fellowship. From apologizing and make wrongs right, to how to pray and encourage one another practically, if these simple ideas are put to practice, you will see miracles.


How to Apologize and Really Mean it!

How to Apologize and Really Mean it!

It's easy to say you are sorry, but do you really mean it? And if you do, what might that look like in everyday life? We pray that you are challenged and encourage In this inspiring PDF that deals with the basics of everyday living...saying "I'm sorry!" and doing something about it.


How to Begin Projects of Kindness

How to Begin Projects of Kindness

Wanting more ideas how you could reach out to those in your community. This "Projects of Kindness" document gives lots more great ideas of things you can do to reach out and share the love of Jesus with your neighbors and those in your sphere of influence. There is no excuse not to be involved. We all can do something for Jesus!


Witnessing for Jesus in Practical Ways

Witnessing for Jesus in Practical Ways

Looking for more practical suggestions on how to be an effective witness to those you meet? You will love this compilation of thoughts and ideas that Pastor Robert Costa has put together. God has a work for each of us to do, and if we are willing, He will equip us and show us the way!


Total Member Involvement Ideas

Total Member Involvement Ideas

Wondering how you can be involved in Total Member Involvement? There are thousands of ways. This document will give you many ideas to get started, for there are people in your sphere of influence that God is just waiting for you to reach. It's time to get involved, for God's glory...


Four Steps for Witnessing to Other Cultures

Four Steps for Witnessing to Other Cultures

Inspiration tells us, “Agree with the people on every point where you can consistently do so. Let them see that you love their souls, and want to be in harmony with them so far as possible…” (Evangelism, p. 140). This download contains a inspiring collection of thoughts to guide you as you reach out to others. You will be blessed.


Dying to Self

Dying to Self

The Bible says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). But what does it mean to be crucified with Christ, to die to self, in practical day-to-day life? The following “Healthy Heart Check” is sure to give you some new inspiration as you seek a deeper walk with Christ.


Practical Pointers for Biblical Fasting

Practical Pointers for Biblical Fasting

In the Bible, fasting is not an option. It’s a given. Matthew 6:17 doesn’t say, “If you fast,” but rather, “When you fast.” If you are wondering how to begin fasting, the following document will give some practical inspiration and suggestions as well as tips for doing the “Daniel’s Fast.” As Derek Morris says, “We fast from the world so that we can feast on Jesus.” May God will bless your sincere efforts to clear distractions away so you can have a closer deeper walk with Him.


Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough

Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough

Would you like to make your spiritual life come alive? Develop a deeper passion for God? Be able to better discern God’s will for your life? See God move in a powerful way in your life, your family, your church, and your community? Have more energy and feel better? Try fasting and prayer, the Biblical proven key to spiritual breakthrough. Your life won’t be the same if you implement Janet’s simple suggestions in this short article.


Sensing God’s Presence in Your Life

Sensing God’s Presence in Your Life

Have you wondered what it means to abide with God, to have His continual presence with you as you go about your day? This inspiring collection of E.G.W. quotes shares just what it means to have God’s presence with you. A great resource of inspiration, and also motivation to seek for more of His presence.


Cool Tools for Sabbath School

Cool Tools for Sabbath School

Sabbath School is one of the most important parts of Sabbath. It gives us the opportunity for fellowship, mission understanding, outreach and one of the greatest parts, Bible study and discussion. Here are some creative Sabbath School resources provided by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department of the General Conference.

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Only by Love

Only by Love

Do you ever feel at rock bottom or close to despair in your Christian walk? In this fascinating and powerful testimony, Juanita Kretchmar shares how things got so bad in her own life that she didn’t even want to leave her home. She also shares how she found complete victory and peace in Christ. In the years since this great trial, Juanita has become a strong woman of faith and a mentor to many. This is a must-read testimony for believers in all walks of life!


An Encounter with God in Prayer

An Encounter with God in Prayer

In this inspiring document, Juanita shows what encountering God through prayer and the promises of Scripture looks like. Some of the topics she covers include: You can trust God’s promises, You can trust God for protection, You can trust God in Worship, You can trust God—You are forgiven, and much more. This is a practical tool for all those wanting to learn how to claim God’s Word in prayer.


The Privilege of Prayer

The Privilege of Prayer

Looking for something to boost your faith in God and in the power of prayer? This is a downloadable version of the chapter “The Privilege of Prayer” from the well-known and well-loved book Steps to Christ. This is pure Inspiration, and will re-energize your prayer life!
