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God First - Fall '22 Stewardship Revival Week
These "God First" Fall '22 Week of Prayer materials, organized by the General Conference Stewardship Department, aim to help church members grow in practical ways by cultivating a “God first” lifestyle. Of course, we all know this is only possible when we receive a change of heart, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is our greatest need! The transformation process is activated and expands when we choose to commit and recommit. The Stewardship Revival Week provides the space for this to happen. Even though the “God First” principle should affect all areas of life, these messages cover eight aspects related to developing our intimacy with God and our trust in Him. We pray you are blessed!
Growing Faith

Time to Get Ready!
Famine is knocking on the door of millions worldwide. Threats of nuclear war are coming from Eastern Europe. Children being gunned down in their classroom. Water is drying up in the American southwest. Turmoil everywhere. People are looking for answers, asking questions. Why hasn’t Jesus come? What is He waiting for? I was a sleeping Christian five years ago and didn’t know it. I thought I knew Jesus, but I didn’t. I thought I was ready for Jesus to come. I wasn’t. Thankfully, God woke me up and got me thinking (watch the video to learn what happened and the answer to the question: Why hasn't Jesus come?)

Righteousness by Faith - 40 Days of Prayer Focus
In 1888 a very precious message was given that lifted up Jesus as never before. It was a message that the church desperately needed. Join us for 40 days, already in progress, as we study this much needed message of Righteousness by Faith. Dates for this special prayer emphasis are October 11 to November 19. Please join us if you are experiencing the following challenges: • You struggle continually with sin and cannot gain the victory. • You feel hopeless, powerless, and worthless. • You don’t know who you are or why you are here. In this study and prayer time, hosted by 24/7 United Prayer, you will learn heart-changing truths that will change the way you relate to God and to life. You will also understand how to grow faith and rest in Christ' righteousness in the midst of temptations, trials, and difficulties. Don't miss this great oppourtunity to learn and grow together in Jesus. Be ready to embrace the 1888 message and share it with the world.
Daily Discipleship

Seven Bible Promises to Turn your Life Around
There are over 3,500 promises in the Bible. God is a promise maker and as the old song says, “Every promise in the book is mine.” In this encouraging presentation, Pastor Mark Finley will share the story of a desperate woman who by faith claimed the promises of God and how you can by faith claim them too. He will share how to develop a faith to move the mountain of challenges you face.

Come Home
Your family is precious to God! God has a great love for you and everyone you call your family. The small booklet "Come Home," written by Don MacLafferty, invites you to discover God's plans for your family and the place you call home. Through personal stories and testimonies, as well as Bible stories and study questions, you will explore timeless principles that will help you love your family well and safeguard your home in this chaotic time. Find God's vision for what your home could become by His love, His grace, and His power. (Available here in English or Tagalog!)

Rebuilding the Family Altar
The theme for the 2022 General Conference Family Ministries Togetherness week for September 4-10, is called "Rebuilding the Family Altar." How do we rebuild altars in 2022? What are the altars of Baal in our homes today that need to be destroyed so that God’s altar can be rebuilt? How can we teach our children and families to worship God and rebuild the family altar as Elijah rebuilt the altar in his day? During this week of prayer, the General Conference Family Ministries team endeavor to inspire new habits of positive and healthy communication in your home; heart-turning behaviors that are grounded in grace and the fruit of the spirit. These materials are available in several languages.
Holy Spirit

The 1888 Message: The Key to the Latter Rain
In this episode, John Dinzey of 3ABN interviews Drs. Robert Hunsaker, Brian Schwartz, and Lyndi Schwartz about the 1888 message that invited them to receive the righteousness of Christ—a message that changed their lives! The righteousness by faith message is a significant message that should transform each one of our lives. Don't miss this testimony!

Experiencing God through Prayer and Praise - Newly Updated
This newly updated inspirational packet, compiled by Jerry and Janet Page, contains many resources on prayer including topics like: Praising God, abiding in Jesus’ love, guidelines for those desiring anointing, encouraging promises and quotes on healing, principles of intercessory prayer, how to pray with your spouse, powerful promises for parents, what to pray for non-Christians, when Satan called a worldwide meeting, and much more. (Download the entire packet or choose topics individually.)
Daily Discipleship

Unplugged: Disconnect to Reconnect
Have you been struggling to focus spiritually? Has your personal devotional time gotten a little dry? Are you feeling somewhat disconnected from God and from those around you? Maybe it’s time for a “digital detox.” Read this inspiring and convicting article by Frank Hasel to get some practical ideas about how to pull the plug, so that you can re-connect with God and with those around you in more deep and meaningful ways.
Daily Discipleship

When We Put Jesus First
What would happen if we set aside our distractions and put our relationship with Jesus first? To set aside the things that are artificial, and receive something wonderful from Christ himself? Join several different families and individuals in this inspiring 3-minute video as their story unfolds. This video is sure to challenge and convict you in new ways as you seek a closer walk with Christ.

I Will Go with My Family: Family Resilience
The theme for the 2022 General Conference Family Ministries Resource Book is Family Resilience. So, today we are calling on every pastor, every Family Ministries leader at every level, and every member of the church to take note of Paul’s message of resilience. That as we focus on the primary mission of the church through the proclamation of The Three Angels’ Messages—despite the attacks of the enemy—we will trust God for resilience in our families, as we do all we can to help hasten the coming of Jesus Christ.

Praying Down the Walls
In this video produced by 3ABN, Jill Morikone shares from the Bible a message about the power of prayer. No matter what impossibility we face, or what mountain we are praying to see moved, God is able, and He works in answer to our prayers. We pray that this inspires you to pray more!
Review & Herald, March 22, 1887 par. 1
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