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General Conference Sidewalk Evangelism
The General Conference SSPM Department is launching an exciting initiative called City Sidewalk Evangelism. The premise is simple. Targeting major cities, individuals will spend two weeks offering invitations to a series of Bible studies planned for the following two weeks—a four-week ministry cycle. This cycle will be repeated for a year using different teams of individuals. The invitations will be given in busy city areas near the host church.
Daily Discipleship
Discipling the New Generations
This book of lessons is intended for anyone who wants to grow as a disciple of Jesus and a disciple-maker of children and teens. The lessons are created in a small group format. The first five lessons are for parents or anyone willing to be a mentor to the new generations. You cannot take a child on a journey with Christ that you are not on yourself! These five lessons call us back to live as a disciple of Jesus now. The last twenty lessons are intended for parents/mentors, children, and teens.
Total Member Involvement
Cell Phone Evangelism Testimony - Part 2
Find out how a blind woman and the most introverted person in a church are using cell phone evangelism to reach out and share with others. This second part of a testimony series, hosted by Cami Oetman, is sure to inspire you to get more involved in sharing the good news of Jesus soon coming. If there's a will, there's a way, and there are plenty of ways to get involved in Total Member Involvement.
Total Member Involvement
Cell Phone Evangelism Testimony - Part 1
Listen to this amazing and inspiring story, shared by Cami Oetman, and others in Adventist World Radio, of how God inspired the start of a massive cell phone evangelism effort. This initiative really is a great way to get involved. It's practical, relevant, and anyone, anywhere can participate. Watch this story and pray about how God might want you to take part.
Devotional Life
How to Maintain a Daily Connection with God
Jesus showed His disciples through His daily life how to maintain a connection with His Heavenly Father. What He taught them is also vitally important for us today. We pray that you are blessed by this short devotional sharing time with Elder Wilson.
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit Power in the Last Days
What is the nature of the false revival? What is the danger of the charismatic movement infiltrating the church? What does it mean to have Spirit power to do the work of God at the time of the end? What will be the manifestations of the Spirit at the end? Listen as Ron Clouzet shares this not-to-be-missed study series.
Prayer and Finishing the Mission
What role does prayer have to play in finishing the mission God intends for us? As you read this inspiring article, we think you will find that prayer actually holds a pivotal role in the endtime work we are called to in sharing the gospel. This is an excellent resource that will be a real blessing to all who read it.
Sharing Your Faith
Looking for a powerful, Biblical-based guide to witnessing? Wanting to learn how to more effectively share with your friends and loved ones or strangers you meet on the street? This inspirational resource is packed full of practical witnessing tips, as well as pointers for what we should witness about and where and when. A great resource to help you start sharing your faith!
Bible Study
Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation
For those desiring to learn the proper hermeneutics of Bible Study, or for those looking for a deeper experience in God's Word, we are happy to share this "Methods of Bible Study and Interpretation" PDF download. This practical, informative, and educational document comes to us from the Bible Research Institute of the General Conference and was voted into existence at the GC Session in Rio de Janeiro. We pray it is a blessing.
I Will Go - Bike Ride
Happening right now....The I Will Go Ride. Eight riders, cycling across America raising awareness for the call to say “I Will Go.” They are calling Adventists everywhere to respond to the call to take personal ownership for mission – sharing the love and message of Jesus with the people around us. "I Will Go" Riders come together from across the globe – Australia, America and Vietnam. They will cover over 1000 miles (1600km) from Washington D.C. to the General Conference in St Louis, sharing the love and message of Christ along with the book “The Great Controversy” with those they meet along the way. We encourage you to follow their journey!
Praying and Living for Revival
This prayer seminar, given during the General Conference Session in San Antonio by Dan Augsburger, will share wisdom for intensifying your relationship with God through the power of prayer and Bible study.
Holy Spirit
Why the Latter Rain is still Elusive
Wondering why we haven't seen the Latter Rain yet? In this two part series, Pastor Ron Clouzet talks about revivals in the church and what is necessary for us to see the outpouring of the Latter Rain. These two messages will not only be inspiring for your prayer life, but convicting and challenge. Listen and share them with others.
Review & Herald, March 22, 1887 par. 1
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