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Five Steps for Resolving Disunity
We often face struggles of disunity within the church over this issue or that. In this inspirational and thought provoking article, Elder Finely shares how early Christian leaders settled difficulties. While the context for this article is the topic of women’s ordination, the principles he shares will apply across the board to any situation of disunity that we face as a church!

Prayer—a Theological Reflection
What is our theological foundation behind our assumptions in prayer? Do we have a solid foundation, or is prayer just some mystical experience? Read as Elder Rodriguez shares how true prayer integrates theology and the practice of personal devotion to God in a way that perhaps no other act of worship can. This in depth article will stretch your brain cells and give you deeper confidence in the power of prayer.

Communion with God
This downloadable devotional is packed full of inspirational Ellen G. White quotes answering questions regarding prayer. Some of the topics covered include: What is real prayer, how do you find time for prayer, what is fervency in prayer, the early and the latter rain, prayer and reverence, why prayers are answered, and much more. We know this resource will be a blessing to you!
Bible Study

Revived by God’s Word
Wanting some practical keys to help you learn how to study God’s Word? This small resource is packed with tools to help you learn how to go deeper in your studies, as well as how to pray God’s Word, memorize God’s Word, and share God’s Word with others. This booklet has already printed over 100,000 copies and is a must-have for those wanting to learn to be good Bible students. (Available in 6 languages!)

Reflections on Revival
In this article, Elder Wilson, Mark Finley, and Armando Miranda give an overview of the launching of the Revival and Reformation initiatives and tell us why revival is so pertinent to our lives today. Questions they broach include: What are the hallmarks of true revival? Are there any dangers in being misled by counterfeit revivals? What is the ultimate goal of all revivals? They go on to share that true revival is always characterized by three important things.

Revival for What?
So we are revived? But revived for what? In this inspiring article, Pastor Mark Finley talks about how true revival is not just spending hours studying the Bible or praying, it is most importantly about really coming to know Jesus intimately, and then being changed that we may bear fruit for His glory. You are sure to be blessed by this short read.

A Call to Revival
In this short article Mark Kellner shares how the Revival and Reformation initiatives were first introduced to church leaders in 2010, and how leaders and church members were challenged in the official R&R documents to commit to incorporating seven different activities into their daily lives. These activities would help foster and nurture genuine spiritual growth and revival, and are worth our refocused attention even today!
Review & Herald, March 22, 1887 par. 1
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