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Join a Intergenerational Revival - Happening May 14-21
Jesus is coming soon! He wrote a letter with you in mind for these difficult days. The letter in Revelation 3:14-22 is for children, teens, young and older adults. Come and be a part of an intergenerational revival to learn what Jesus wants you to know about Him right now before He returns. Come and grow in your personal relationship with Jesus. Every day receive a 24-Hour Challenge to encourage your faith in the King of Kings! This series hosted by the General Conference at 6am EST every day for one hour, May 14-21, 2022 will be led by Pastor Don MacLafferty. Don't miss out on what God has in store for you!
Bible Study

Growing a Young Adult Interactive Bible Study
In this interactive video featuring, Derek Morris, Anthony Kent and guests Sergio Gonzalez, and Oleg Kostyuk we learn what it means to grow a Young Adult Interactive Bible Study. If you are interested in young adult ministries, or just wanting to know how to grow your Bible study leading skills, this program is sure to inspire.
Holy Spirit

From Lack to Abundance: How to Have More of the Holy Spirit
Jesus has given us a great personal gift of the Holy Spirit. Have you already discovered this gift? Or are you still living a hand-to-mouth existence? This is the fourth book in the "Steps to Personal Revival" series by Helmut Haubeil. We pray you find this book a rich blessing, as the other three have been!

Learning to Walk by Faith - Conversations with Don MacLafferty
After a difficult early-morning conversation with God, Don MacLafferty gave up his position as a pastor and became an unpaid volunteer, willing to go, in faith, wherever God led. If you feel hungry for a deeper more faith filled walk with God, you don't want to miss this gripping testimony. You might also want to read MacLafferty's book titled, "Live like Elijah!" This inspiring "Conversation" was filmed with host John Bradshaw for "It is Written," and gives us a small glimpse into the amazing faith journey that God has led Pastor Don and his wife April to embrace. Perhaps, it is a journey that God might be calling YOU to embrace as well.

Keys to Protecting Your Marriage
In the past a wealthy man would build a castle to protect his possessions and his people. Today we build high fences to keep thieves out and our precious things in. Yet most of us spend very little time thinking about how to protect our most important human relationship. Marriage costs a lot of time and money, and it can have eternal consequences. If it fails, it costs even more! When a marriage breaks up, not only the couple are hurt, but their children, their families, their friends, even their church suffers. So is there a biblical framework for protecting our marriages? Yes, there is. Read more...
Daily Discipleship

How to Live a Consecrated Life
This is a podcast featuring Mark Finley in conversation with young adult GYC leaders, Shauna Chung and Esther Louw. In this inspiring interview, Mark Finley shares insights, gleaned from a life of ministry and evangelism, on how to live a consecrated Christian life. He answers questions such as: How do I know if my Christianity is genuine? What does surrender look like? What role do emotions play in my conversion experience? We pray you are blessed by this message.

The Promised Revival
Have you ever wondered how God’s work will be finished on this earth? How is it possible for the truth about Jesus and the gospel of His grace to be proclaimed to the ends of the earth so that Jesus can come soon? In this inspiring lesson, by Mark Finley, we will study how God will accomplish His mission in finishing His work. (This Bible study was originally published by the Adventist World, September 2012.)
Daily Discipleship

Abide in Jesus
In Luke 11:9-13 Jesus urges us to: "Pray for the Holy Ghost!" In John 15:1-11 He tells us: "Remain in me and I in you!" A life abiding with Christ in our heart, thru the Holy Ghost, leads to a fulfilled, productive and victorious life here and for eternity. This is the sequel to the popular booklet “Steps to Personal Revival” by Helmut Haubeil, and is also available in multiple languages. May we all learn what it means to truly abide!
Devotional Life

How to Revive Your Devotional Life
Feeling a little dry in your devotional life? This message, given by Dee Casper, is sure to give you some practical tools and pointers to grow your walk with God. You don't have to be dry any longer. Come to the water. Come and drink!

Introducing MusicVerse
Looking for a great collection of fresh beautiful sacred music! Look no farther! Check out this new app called Music Verse. It has some of the best of the sacred music collections by Adventist Musicians from all around the world! Let's lift up our voices and worship the Lord in holy praise! Help support Adventist artists as well as Mission projects to spread the gospel to unreached regions of the world all while listening to wholesome, sacred music.

God First: Stewardship Revival Week
God First is not only the title of this Stewardship Revival Week, but it expresses the belief and behavior of all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and choose to live to glorify Him. For that reason, “God First” has become a motto for the General Conference Stewardship Ministries Department and an important principle in its Strategic Orientation. In all that we do (and this Week of Prayer is no exception), we envision people putting God first in their lives. We pray these materials are a blessing!

The Prayers of a Breaking Heart: Nehemiah Lessons on Interceding for Your Church!
It's easy to complain about your pastor or about things that don't seem to be going right, but have you ever spent time earnestly fasting and pleading with God for your pastor, for your church, for fellow church members, or for those in positions of leadership? Have you prayed prayers that go beyond “please bless my church” to "please save those who attend my church! Please save me!?" Heartfelt prayers pleading with God for healing, hope, and effective witness in an age of lukewarm laodicean Christianity?
Review & Herald, March 22, 1887 par. 1
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