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Bible Study

Compelling Love Bible Studies

Compelling Love Bible Studies

Looking for a fresh set of righteousness by faith, Christ centered Bible studies? Look no farther. This beautiful gospel centered series can be downloaded or purchased in book form. Grow into maturity by finding security in Christ as you study His Word.

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Inside Out - Going Deeper!

Inside Out - Going Deeper!

In this online book you will be inspired as Pastor Don MacLafferty shares some of his personal journey growing deeper in his walk with God. He also shares many inspiring stories of children, teens, and adults from around the world. Each story is followed by a meaningful Bible passage to bring the message home and provide "Mentoring Moments" for you and family members.



God's Last Effort to Awaken His People!

God's Last Effort to Awaken His People!

In this captivating pamphlet, Elder A.M. Dart shares the urgent appeal of the "True Witness" to the church of Laodecia. This is a collection of some of Ellen White's most striking statements to God's end-time church. To those who are searching and hungry, this message will inspire and challenge you! It's time to get ready! Jesus is coming soon!



Urgent Call to Prayer!

Urgent Call to Prayer!

Undoubtedly you have been following current international events. It is imperative that we pray for our dear brothers and sisters in Eastern Europe, in Ukraine, and in Russia. The challenges that come with open conflict are horrendous. We have thousands of members in that region of the world. They need our prayers and support in every possible way. Join the daily 9 am EST prayer call online on Facebook, where you can submit prayer requests, or join the 24-hour prayer room hosted by 24/7 United Prayer that is ongoing around the clock. Whatever way you want to get involved, it's time to pray!

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Deeper Walk

Love Me: Judgement Day is Coming

Love Me: Judgement Day is Coming

This beautiful must-see series just began it's premier on Hope Channel this February 2022! Hosted by Lonnie Melashenko and young 8 year old Logan Parchamento, you will be inspired by the fresh look at the judgement and why we have reason to rejoice at the nearness of Jesus' return! Multiple special music numbers are also woven throughout this series. In fact, over 100 scriptures have been set to song so far and filmed. The project is called “Love Me” from the Love At Work ministry headed by Dr Schubert and Yolanda Palmer. Each week on Saturday night @ 7:00 PM EST a new episode airs on Hope Channel. We pray you are blessed. Please share this video with others.


Bible Study

A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study Series

A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study Series

We live in a time of uncertainty, fear, worry, hopelessness, discouragement, depression, increase in suicide, and loneliness. How are we coping each day with what the world throws at us? How do we help others cope? These seven Bible Study lessons, prepared by the General Conference Women's Ministry Department, are based on Revelation 14:6-13, and are one of the most important sets of Bible lessons they have prepared yet. These lessons don’t just inform you, they lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Your heart craves the love and courage found on these pages! Written for both personal study and sharing with others—not just for women—this seven-lesson series unpacks Revelation 14:6-13 in a way you’ve probably never before seen.


Devotional Life

The Desire of Ages Project

The Desire of Ages Project

Looking for some quality recordings of the Desire of Ages and Great Controversy, as well as other Spirit of Prophecy books? We want to introduce a small oasis of audio resources that you will enjoy and appreciate for years to come. Myer's Media has a beautiful collection of high class professionally recorded readings of select Spirit of Prophecy books, as well as "Righteousness by Faith" and some other great authors. Some of these readings are even dramatized with music and sound effects. We know you will be inspired and blessed!

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The Science of Surrender

The Science of Surrender

This inspiring message by Jason Sliger, is sure to be a big blessing as he delves into the topic of surrender in our walk with Christ. Practical, poignant, and powerful! Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Jason is a former full-time evangelist with Amazing Facts, now pastoring in Northern Michigan. His greatest desire is to have an experience like Jesus and be part of helping others be like Him too. We thank Audioverse for sharing this message!



Why Doesn't God Answer Prayer Immediately?

Why Doesn't God Answer Prayer Immediately?

Have you ever wondered why God does not always answer your prayers immediately? Have you ever prayed only to feel that your prayer ascended no higher than the ceiling? This video, with Mark Finley, takes us behind the scenes. It reveals a titanic conflict between good and evil. Although we sincerely seek God for answers to our prayers, there are powerful Satanic forces working in opposition to God. Don't miss this greater conflict as you pray!



Five Prayer Secrets that will Transform your Life!

Five Prayer Secrets that will Transform your Life!

When difficulties come, most people feel their need to pray, but only a few people really understand God’s purpose for prayer. However, a living and active prayer life can give you the strength to pass any test and the courage to not give up. In this course, taught by Pavel Goia, you will discover the remarkable world of dynamic prayer, where talking with God is not a boring routine, but a sincere conversation with the unlimited Source of love and wisdom.

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Capitol Revival & Scripture Memorization

Capitol Revival & Scripture Memorization

Join an amazing Bible prophecy journey and receive revival content daily. In this Scripture memory program, you can learn to give an answer for your faith on every fundamental Bible truth, enhance your mind and ability to memorize with proven strategies, and also improve your intelligence with simple health habits.

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Prayer that Pleases God

Prayer that Pleases God

What does it mean to pray in a way that is truly pleasing to God? Perhaps, like many, you have the tendency to treat God like a divine prayer machine, in which you expect to feed in your prayer requests at one end and then take out your granted wishes at the other? In this short article Dr. Frank Hasel shares some insights that will broaden your spiritual horizons and take you deeper in your understanding of prayer.

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"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it."


Review & Herald, March 22, 1887 par. 1


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