Glowing in More Ways than One

Glowing in More Ways than One!

By Nelson Ernst

My fiancé and I were soon to be married. Our families were already in town and preparations were in full swing. Days seemed to blend together as we hurried from one to-do list item to the next.

In the midst of all this hubbub and chaos, I remembered to take some GLOW tracts along in my pocket one day, although literature distribution was one of the furthest things from my mind at the time. I soon found myself waiting at a clothing store while my wife-to-be tried on a dress or two for her bridesmaids.

As we left the dressing room area, I quickly gave a GLOW tract to the dressing room attendant, fully intending to move on to other nuptial necessities. The attendant stopped me, however, and said, “Thanks for this tract. I like these kinds of things.”

I found myself engaged in a fifteen-minute spiritual conversation with Vincent, the young assistant. In the end, we prayed in the dressing room and exchanged contact information. Three weeks later, Vincent was baptized into the Adventist Church. What a miracle! As you can imagine, we were “glowing” in more ways than one when we heard the news.

Interestingly, we found out later that we had accidentally gone to the men’s dressing room instead of the women’s that day. Thankfully, there were no men using it at the time, or we might have noticed our mistake, left for the women’s dressing room, and missed Vincent entirely. Obviously, God directed our course, both in helping me remember to carry literature in the midst of hectic wedding preparations, and in our mistaken visit to the wrong dressing room.

Whenever I think of this, I’m reminded of the Scripture, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way” (Psalm 37:23).

God has a plan for each one of us, and if we are faithful in small things (such as carrying spiritual literature in our pockets and purses and seeking to share it whenever we have opportunity), we will see big results that make an eternal difference for the people around us.

Nelson Ernst is the co-founder and leading director of GLOW, a literature distribution ministry which started in California and has spread across the globe, printing nearly 50 million tracts since its beginning in 2007.

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World Church Prayer Requests

January 13 - 20, 2019

PRAYER REQUEST: Ten Days of Prayer, which runs January 9-19, 2019, is now in full swing. Please pray that many people all over the world will come to have a deeper experience with Christ during this special time of prayer.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Youth Rush program in Japan as leadership begins recruiting high school and college students for this coming spring. They are hoping to recruit at least 50-60 young people to work in 5 different locations across Japan. God has already opened many doors through this work, and the church leaders in Japan are praying to see even more blessings through this literature evangelism program in the coming year.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the “cell phone evangelism” plan through the ministry of Adventist World Radio. There are already entire congregations forming as a result of this unique method of spreading the gospel.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep praying for the General Conference Youth Ministries Department as they prepare to mobilize Pathfinders and other young adults all over the world to preach at 100,000 different sites for Total Youth Involvement. This begins March 2019. #TYI19

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those young people who are already making decisions about what to do next summer. Pray for God to lead in areas of ministry that will be for His glory, whether doing literature evangelism, being part of a TMI campaign, or other areas of service.

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