I Know I Can Trust Him!
By Teresa O’Donnell
I lay in bed, overcome with a mental burden so heavy it felt like I could hardly breathe. My husband had just been approached to take an international service position in a challenging country and the very thought of moving filled me with dread. My heart cried, “Really, God? Is this what You want us to do? Is this call really from You?” I needed His reassurance.
I wasn’t just thinking about myself. I was also thinking of our two children. An international move for them meant uprooting friendships, interrupting schooling, detaching from family, selling or donating all that we owned and thrusting them into the unknown. How would they deal with this? I began to pray. If this was really God’s will, He would have to make it very clear to me.
A few months later, our family traveled to a conference in Florida for my husband’s work. I dropped our children off for their daily meeting and as I walked back through the main hallway, I happened to meet a colleague. He asked how I was doing, especially with the impending move. As I briefly shared my concerns, he told me his experience with transition and gave me some much-needed encouragement. As we went our separate ways, I felt light-hearted. God had arranged this chance meeting in the hallway to give me peace.
From that point on, I saw God’s providence in countless ways, from providing a carpenter friend to help us get our house in order for sale, to unexpected money from a family member coming at just the right moment, to the sale of our house at the perfect time for the price we needed, and countless other details. God challenged me through His word; He gave me promises to claim and I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this call overseas was from Him and He would take care of our family every step along the way.
We are overseas now. It’s not always been easy, but I have seen our prayer life and my personal faith in God grow so much through this experience. I know I can trust Him, especially when things are difficult.
Teresa O’Donnell, a freelance writer, lives abroad with her family. Her name has been changed to protect her identity.
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World Church Prayer Requests
July 7 - 14, 2019
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the 3rd Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle being held this week in Loma Linda, California, July 9-13. The focus will be on Wholistic Wellness—lifestyle and how it affects the body and brain. Pray that this conference could have long reaching benefits for our entire church.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Deaf and Special Needs Ministries, which will be part of the Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle. They will have an additional day of meetings on July 14th in Loma Linda.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray in advance for the Your Best Pathway to Health event that will be occurring April 6 - 11, 2020, in advance of the General Conference session in Indianapolis, Indiana. Pray that logistical details would come together smoothly, and that needed volunteers will apply. (To learn more visit: https://pathwaytohealthvolunteer.org)
• PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the safety of those who travel for the Church in full time ministry. Pray for their health as well, as many follow very intense traveling schedules.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that God would help each of us, including those in leadership, to honor our body temple and embrace and live the NEW START principles (Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God) to the best of our ability.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the health of your local pastor and his family as the enemy often attacks in this area.
• PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the missionaries all around the world like Teresa O’Donnell, author of this week’s story, who cannot share their names because they live in difficult territories. Pray that God would strengthen these hidden missionaries for their work, and give them courage and wisdom to face the many challenges involved in living abroad.