Instant Miracles

Instant Miracles

by Debi Tesser

Since the beginning of time, God has worked instant miracles. Of course, many miracles occurred after some time had elapsed: Hezekiah waited three days before he was healed; Naaman had to wash in the Jordan River seven times before his leprosy was exchanged for robust health; God took the time to sculpt Adam before He breathed life into him.

From the moment Elisha used Elijah’s mantle to part the Jordan River, the newly appointed servant of the Lord gripped tightly to the double portion of the Holy Spirit that he had been granted. Over the years of his service, Elisha worked countless miracles for the benefit of the people who needed to see God at work.

The dwelling place at one of the schools of the prophets had grown too small for the number of people under Elisha’s tutelage. The students went to fell trees at the Jordan River. In the process of hewing the wood, the axe head used by one worker loosened from the handle, sailed through the air, and plopped into the deep water, sinking to the floor of the river.

The young man shrieked, “Alas, master! for it was borrowed” (2 Kings 6:5). Upon learning where the axe head had splashed into the water, Elisha came to the rescue. The man of God severed a twig from its branch. He tossed it over the spot where the iron had sunk into flowing river. Instantly, the heavy object rose to the surface and floated. This student at the school gratefully retrieved it and returned to his work.

Recently, our ministry team had a special workday. Assembled were the president, the bookkeeper, and me, and I am largely responsible for written communications. We were setting up for that day’s tasks. All of us began to boot up our computers so we could accomplish the project list for the day. My colleague Michelle tried several times before expressing exasperation that her computer remained silent and black. Even the software engineer in the house could not revive the equipment.

Routinely, we start a workday with prayer, but that morning we had just spoken about having a prayer but that was it — just talk, no action. Remembering that we had not consulted with the Lord that morning, we stopped and gifted our hands and minds to our God almighty.

We then returned to our business. Michelle clicked the “on” button one more time, and the computer popped to life just like it had every other workday.

To often we take for granted what may seem to be mundane things, like a computer turning on when the power button is pressed. When those things we expect to happen normally, but they do not, is it possible that we have not consulted with Omnipotence?

Let’s make prayer a routine before we do anything. Even the challenges in life will become easier to manage. The Bible tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV).

In March 2007, Debi Tesser returned to the roots of her nativity — Michigan — where she still resides and works at Remnant Publications. She has loved words since she picked up her first Dick and Jane primer. Using her fondness for linguistics, Debi has launched the beginnings of a blog site: Expect Large Things. Passionate about God’s second book, especially birds, she spends time photographing the evidence of His handiwork. This story is reprinted with permission of Time to Get Ready Ministries.

World Church Prayer Requests

July 7 - 14, 2023

  • Pray for the East Central Africa (ECD) Pathfinder Camporee that will be held this summer. Pray that God will open ways for ECD 10/40 territories to receive the gospel message.
  • Please pray for the “Wellness on the Go” van in New York City, which is offering free massages, blood pressure checks and health coaching. Please ask God to impress those who have the greatest need and who are the most receptive to visit the van ministry for assistance.
  • Please pray for the Bronx Food Pantry in New York City, which serves 7,000 people. Please ask God to expand the center’s influence and that even more people may be helped and reached.
  • Please pray for Adventist Life Hope Centers around the world. Centers include Zionland in São Paulo, Brazil; the Banquet Table in Ruse, Bulgaria; the All Generations Center in Taipei, Taiwan; and the Happy Hand in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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