Interruptions that Turn out to be Answers to Prayer

Interruptions That Turn Out to Be An Answer to Prayer

By Marcia McEdward

As I raced down the hill in our little white Suzuki, I was surprised to see a somewhat familiar woman step out into the road in front of me. Feeling a sense of embarrassment for speeding, I slowed down and prepared to drive around her, but as I neared, she stepped directly in front of the car. I couldn’t avoid her, so I stopped.

My mind raced…was she going to reprimand me for speeding? I had my reasons to be in a hurry! I was keeping Rick waiting, having left the office later than expected and he needed the car urgently to run errands during a narrow window of time. I had pushed my limits in a very tight schedule. I didn’t have time to be slow, or time for any interruptions!

I rolled down my window and heard her mumble something. She smiled again and, unlatching the passenger door, she opened it and sat down next to me. With a big grin she spoke another few words of Arabic that I wasn’t sure of. I smiled back and realized she was looking for a lift to a destination further down the hill.

Everything is quite close on Sabtieh hill, but walking can take time, especially when coming back uphill. I decided to take my new friend to her destination, even though it would take precious time. As we drove past our apartment, I mentioned to her that I lived there. She smiled and said, “JAMA” (University)? “Sa, JAMA Sharkel Owsot (Middle East University)” “Akin, Akin! (right, right!)” She told me that she needed to go to a nearby store and we were there in just a couple minutes. I had shared with her that, obviously, my Arabic ability was minimal and thanked her for speaking to me in Arabic. As she stepped out of the car, she asked me if I was going to continue down the hill, but I told her, no, I have to go back up. Feeling bad for having inconvenienced me, she frowned with concern momentarily, until I told her, “La! Ana mabsutah!! (No, I am happy!)” She smiled again and waited for me to turn the car around on the busy road. As I drove past her along-side the road, she blew kiss after kiss to me, which I returned!

My heart was lifted to praise! “Thank you, Lord!” I said out loud as I drove back up the hill. I’d been praying for more opportunities to get acquainted with the beautiful people I am surrounded by daily. And, in spite of myself and my silly attempts at avoidance, God was able to give me a new friend and answer the prayer of my heart. Isn’t God good? (And yes, Rick rejoiced with me too!)

Marcia, along with her husband Rick, who is president of the Middle East North Africa Union for the General Conference, live and work in Beirut, Lebanon.

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World Church Prayer Requests for

Jan. 21 - 28, 2018

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for those whose lives have been changed as a result of 10 Days of Prayer. Pray that prayer will continue to be an active and vital part of congregations around the world, and that our churches will fulfill the calling to be houses of prayer.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Lord to grant His extraordinary wisdom (James 1:5) to the members of the General Conference Unity Oversight Committee.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the members of the General Conference Executive Committee that each would seek the Lord with renewed fervor asking the Holy Spirit to gather the energy of the church to focus on mission.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the following General Conference Ex Officio Executive Committee members. (Ex Officio means they are Executive Committee Members because of their position with certain entities, like those listed below).

o Adventist Development and Relief Agency International: Jonathan M. Duffy, President and Executive Director

o Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies: Stephen R. Guptill, President

o Adventist Review: William M. Knott, Editor

o Adventist Risk Management, Incorporated: Timothy E. Northrop, President and Executive Director

o Adventist University of Africa: Delbert W. Baker, President

o Adventist World Radio: Duane McKey, President and Executive Director

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for church members, refugees, and others who live in climates where weather temperatures have been extreme and debilitating—whether hot or cold. Pray that God put a special hedge of protection around His people.

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United in prayer

A global prayer movement including 777 and 10 Days of Prayer, in which hundreds of thousands of people have participated.