"So Elder Wilson, How do You Pray?"

“So Elder Wilson, How do You Pray?”

Q&A with Ted N.C. Wilson

Q: Pastor Wilson, my question is very simple: How do you pray? — Boyan

A: Often. Prayer is a wonderful privilege that God offers to each one of us, anytime, anywhere. The manner in which I pray varies — depending on the situation.

Sometimes I’m standing when I pray, other times sitting, and sometimes I kneel. I frequently pray when I’m walking or driving.

During committee and board meetings I often pray aloud at the beginning, asking God’s guidance on the discussion and decisions that we will be making that day.

During committees I, many times, send a prayer to the Lord asking for wisdom with an issue or item. When meeting with people in my office we almost always begin and end with prayer. During the day as I’m going about my work at the office or while traveling, I often send up a silent prayer, asking for God’s wisdom and guidance.

Of course I also have personal prayer and devotional time at the beginning of each day. My wife and I pray together at the beginning and the end of every day. It is during this private time with God that we open our hearts to Him and gain strength for each new day and for protection through the night. Every morning, I fall to my knees from my bed, asking for God’s wisdom for the day.

I don’t know what people do without prayer. The Lord is my constant companion during the day and night. What a privilege to open the heart to the Lord. As we are told, prayer is the key that unlocks heaven’s storehouse. What a privilege to be in direct contact with the throne room of heaven. Let’s claim the promise of Hebrews 4:16 and through prayer come boldly to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ, our Creator, Redeemer, High Priest, Coming King and Best Friend!

Taken from Q&A Segment with Elder Ted Wilson, featured on Presidential Perspectives. To read more thoughts or Q&A from Elder Wilson visit: http://perspectives.adventist.org

To download the prayer Q&A along with prayer requests, click here!

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division

Prayer Focus for July 23-30

BRIEF FACTS ABOUT SID: The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division encompasses 23 countries and islands. It is comprised of 10 unions and one attached field. The Lord has blessed this Division with a membership of 3,514,060, worshipping in 23,972 congregations throughout its territory.

  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Division leaders, Solomon Maphosa (President), Gideon Reynecke (Executive Secretary), Goodwell Nthani (Executive Treasurer), as well as all the staff at the Division headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa. Pray also for the Union, Conference, and Mission leadership as well.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please join us in praying for pastors in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. Pray that members in this region will have wisdom while sharing the Three Angel’s Messages with a dying world.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Mission to the Cities in the SID. Special focus is being placed on reaching affluent people in the metropolitan areas of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Harare, Zimbabwe. Please pray for Divine encounters with people of influence who may be able to share what they learn with others in their social networks.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the South Africa Union. There are only 150,000 members in a territory boasting a population of over 55 million. Urgent prayer is needed to reach the masses with the gospel.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the young people of the SID to grow in Christ and develop into laborers for the harvest. Pray that youth can be used to lead their parents into truth. Pray for additional missionaries and Bible workers who are willing to labor in this field.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for resolution to tensions between different cultures and races. Pray for a spirit of unity and love among the believers, so people will see something appealing in Christianity.

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