A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study Series

A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study Series

We live in a time of uncertainty, fear, worry, hopelessness, discouragement, depression, increase in suicide, and loneliness. How are we coping each day with what the world throws at us? How do we help others cope? These seven Bible Study lessons, prepared by the General Conference Women's Ministry Department, are based on Revelation 14:6-13, and are one of the most important sets of Bible lessons they have prepared yet. These lessons don’t just inform you, they lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Your heart craves the love and courage found on these pages! Written for both personal study and sharing with others—not just for women—this seven-lesson series unpacks Revelation 14:6-13 in a way you’ve probably never before seen.


A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study

A Reason for Courage - 7 Part Bible Study - Black & White Version

A Reason for Courage - Waiting to See - Sermon

A Reason for Courage - Prayer & Praise Activity

Leadership Tools - Zip Folder

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