Practical, inspirational resources for you, your family, your church, and your community

Important Dates


Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting

The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.

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Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting

The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.

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JAN 8-18

Ten Days of Prayer

These are the dates for the worldwide Ten Days of Prayer for 2025.

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Featured Resources


Family Togetherness Week - September 2024

Family Togetherness Week - September 2024

The Family Togetherness Week of Prayer is almost here—September 1–7, 2024, is fast approaching! This year’s Devotional Resource: Growing Hearts of Welcome, focuses on understanding diverse families and is available in 9 languages: Chinese (Simplified), English, French, Italian, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Ukrainian. Don't wait—get ready and download the PDF today at to share with your family!

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Living a Life of Sacrificial Service

Living a Life of Sacrificial Service

“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” This quote by British missionary C.T. Studd deserves our serious reflection. Time is running out. Jesus is coming soon. How are we spending the life that we have? Missionary pilot Gary Roberts, and his wife and family, have dedicated their lives to service. But it has not been without a high cost. They lost their son in the mission field to malaria while their son was still young. Later Gary's father, also a mission pilot, was killed in a plane crash while serving. This summer, Gary himself was hit with an inoperable brain tumor diagnosis. And yet, even in the midst of his downward spiral with terminal illness, Gary's faith stood strong. "No matter what comes, we will trust Jesus," he said. Gary, one of the church's most skilled and experienced mission pilots, is gone now, but it is our prayer that Gary's death will not be in vain, but will inspire many more to get involved with Adventist Missions. We pray you are inspired by the following video of Gary's work in aviation. Again, Jesus is coming soon! Let's use the time we have before it's gone!

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Memorizing Scripture

There Has No Temptation Overtaken You - A New Song

There Has No Temptation Overtaken You - A New Song

Looking for a way to memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13? This simple piece of music will bring you joy to sing. Remember the promise of Jude 24. He is able to carry you and to keep you from falling. He's coming soon! Hold on to Him!


Daily Devotional


The Bible record of men and women of ancient times presents backgrounds so broad and diverse that every modern person may identify with someone portrayed therein. All who are wise will gain from a study of this record that which will direct, enrich, and guard their own personal life. They will draw courage from those who triumphed, learn from the mistakes of others, and hopefully will be spared the heartaches of those who made unwise choices.


The word of God treats only briefly the exploits, failures, and successes of the characters it portrays. More detailed accounts are given to us by Ellen G. White in her inspired writings. In a rare manner she catches and applies, with sensitive, divinely guided insight, relevant lessons from the lives of saints and sinners depicted in sacred history. From this voluminous and rich source of materials the 365 brief sketches that comprise this devotional volume have been selected.


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