Practical, inspirational resources for you, your family, your church, and your community

Important Dates


Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting

The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.

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Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting

The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.

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Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting

The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.

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Featured Resources


Encountering Jesus in Laodicea

Encountering Jesus in Laodicea

In Revelation 3:14-22 we find the appeal to the church of Laodicea and to the church living at the end of time. That's us! God intends that this message be understood and that it change us into an on-fire, Holy Spirit filled, group of people who love God more than life itself, who are willing to lay down all for Him. Many have been blessed by the popular download "Clearing the Way for the Holy Spirit" by Scott Griswold. As you study his next Bible study series, "Love Letter to Laodicea," we pray that God will do an even deeper work in your heart. Let's also pray that God will help the church to understand and live this message, and not be lukewarm any longer.

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Devotional Life

Back to the Altar: How to Be a Disciple of Jesus

Back to the Altar: How to Be a Disciple of Jesus

Wondering what Back to the Altar is all about? In 1 Kings 18:30 Elijah called all the children of Israel near as he rebuilt the broken down altar of worship. In this special episode, Melody Mason and Shiloh Howard talk with 3ABN hosts Shelley and JD Quinn about the practical principles of Back to the Altar and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. The Bible tells us, "Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy" (Ps. 43:4). God wants us to have joy in coming to the altar to worship Him. Spending time in His presence is the first step in discipleship. We pray you are blessed by this inspirational program.



Seven Lessons from the Life of Elijah

Seven Lessons from the Life of Elijah

What do you do when others look to you for spiritual leadership and you are tired, weary, and worn? Do you pretend your strength is invincible? Do you put on an act that you are untouched by discouragement, trials, and darkness? In this moving Holy-Spirit inspired article, we learn fresh timely lessons from the life of Elijah, and practical steps to live at the altar of God even when we are exhausted or discouraged. This article was originally published in Elder's Digest under the title, "Back to the Altar."


Daily Devotional


The Bible record of men and women of ancient times presents backgrounds so broad and diverse that every modern person may identify with someone portrayed therein. All who are wise will gain from a study of this record that which will direct, enrich, and guard their own personal life. They will draw courage from those who triumphed, learn from the mistakes of others, and hopefully will be spared the heartaches of those who made unwise choices.


The word of God treats only briefly the exploits, failures, and successes of the characters it portrays. More detailed accounts are given to us by Ellen G. White in her inspired writings. In a rare manner she catches and applies, with sensitive, divinely guided insight, relevant lessons from the lives of saints and sinners depicted in sacred history. From this voluminous and rich source of materials the 365 brief sketches that comprise this devotional volume have been selected.


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