Practical, inspirational resources for you, your family, your church, and your community
Important Dates
Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting
The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.
Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting
The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.
Sabbath of Prayer and Fasting
The first Sabbath of every quarter is set aside as a special day of prayer and fasting.
Featured Resources
Daily Devotional
The Bible record of men and women of ancient times presents backgrounds so broad and diverse that every modern person may identify with someone portrayed therein. All who are wise will gain from a study of this record that which will direct, enrich, and guard their own personal life. They will draw courage from those who triumphed, learn from the mistakes of others, and hopefully will be spared the heartaches of those who made unwise choices.
The word of God treats only briefly the exploits, failures, and successes of the characters it portrays. More detailed accounts are given to us by Ellen G. White in her inspired writings. In a rare manner she catches and applies, with sensitive, divinely guided insight, relevant lessons from the lives of saints and sinners depicted in sacred history. From this voluminous and rich source of materials the 365 brief sketches that comprise this devotional volume have been selected.
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