Righteousness by Faith - 40 Days of Prayer Focus
In 1888 a very precious message was given that lifted up Jesus as never before. It was a message that the church desperately needed. Join us for 40 days, already in progress, as we study this much needed message of Righteousness by Faith. Dates for this special prayer emphasis are October 11 to November 19. Please join us if you are experiencing the following challenges: • You struggle continually with sin and cannot gain the victory. • You feel hopeless, powerless, and worthless. • You don’t know who you are or why you are here. In this study and prayer time, hosted by 24/7 United Prayer, you will learn heart-changing truths that will change the way you relate to God and to life. You will also understand how to grow faith and rest in Christ' righteousness in the midst of temptations, trials, and difficulties. Don't miss this great oppourtunity to learn and grow together in Jesus. Be ready to embrace the 1888 message and share it with the world.