A Present Help in Time of Need

A Present Help in Time of Need

By Esmé Ross

One day I called my friend Beverly to ask how she and her mom were doing. On the other side of the line was a very anxious and concerned Beverly. "My mother is being rushed to the emergency room (ER) even as we speak, and I am following the ambulance in my car," she told me breathlessly.

A short while before my phone call, Beverly had gone into the room where her mother was resting in a chair. She found her mother sitting upright stiff as a board, her eyes staring out into space with a glassy haze, and she was unable to respond to any questions. Immediately Beverly called 911, recognizing the symptoms of a stroke. Within moments of the call the paramedics were there to assist. One of the paramedics chided Beverly saying that she should not have delayed calling the 911 services, as this was a very serious situation. Beverly assured the paramedic that she had called immediately on seeing her mother's condition. They decided to take her mother into the ER and to assess the damage that had occurred.

As Beverly shared what had happened with me, I began to pray urgently for her mother. I prayed with Beverly over the phone, then I assured Beverly we would continue to pray for her mom and I would call her back in a few hours.

About six hours later I called to inquire about the condition of her mother. "You are not going to believe this but I am on my way to the store to buy my mother something particular that she would like to eat." She then proceeded to tell me what had happened since we last talked.

On arriving at the hospital Beverly rushed into the ER but was told to wait in the foyer until her mother was made comfortable in the bed. Beverly then decided to call the family and let them know what was happening with mom. When she was finished with the calls, she stepped toward the curtained area where her mother was laying but before entering, she heard laughing, chattering and a joyful noise coming from behind the curtain. For a moment she thought she was heading to the wrong bed, but then she recognized her mom's voice.

On entering, she saw her mother chatting up a storm with the paramedic that had chided Beverly. Their eyes met and the paramedic stepped forward as she gave Beverly a hug. "We both know what we saw when we came to your home, and yet I cannot explain what has happened to your mother," the paramedic said.

After they had gotten to the hospital, her mother had started responding as though nothing had happened to her. Beverly explained to the paramedic that there were many that had been praying for her mother while on her way to the hospital. With tears in her eyes the paramedic responded, "I have seen God once again working a miracle for His children." After many different tests, Beverly was told that her mother showed no evidence whatsoever that she had experienced a stroke. She was promptly released to go home with her daughter Beverly.

It has been two months now since this incident and Beverly’s mother is still chirpy, still "chatting up a storm," still taking the opportunity to speak to whoever will listen about her Savior.

I take courage from the promise of Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Also Hebrews 4:16 gives us God’s promise, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Truly our God is a very present help in our time of need; we just need to call upon Him in prayer.

Esmé Ross spent many years serving alongside her husband pastor. They are now retired and live in Colfax, California.

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World Church Prayer Requests

September 30 – October 7, 2018

PRAYER REQUEST: General Conference staff, partnering with AMEN (Adventist Medical Evangelism Network), have one more week until a special health clinic for the Silver Spring, Maryland community. Please continue to pray for the volunteers, physicians, and clients who will participate in the health clinic on October 7th.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming 4th Quarter Day of Prayer and Fasting taking place on October 6th. Pray that many will join this united prayer effort as we focus on praying for “the least of these.” For information and prayer materials, click here: https://www.revivalandreformation.org/resources/al...

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the upcoming Annual Council leadership meetings that will be taking place in the next couple weeks. All the leaders of the world church will be gathering together to plan, pray, and make important decisions for days ahead. Pray especially for the Holy Spirit to guide the meetings and the agenda.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God to work through the Good Samaritan Inn, an urban center of influence in Kingston, Jamaica. The inn provides people with a hot meal, a bath, and a change of clothing. Please pray that those who come to the inn will see a picture of Jesus in those who serve them.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the ministry of Revive Café, an urban center of influence in Auckland, New Zealand, as they seek to help people eat healthfully. They eventually plan to help others start similar cafés.

PRAYER REQUEST: October 13 is Pastor Appreciation Day. Pray for your pastor and let him know you do. (For more information or ideas for Pastor Appreciation Day, visit: https://eldersdigest.org/pastorsday)

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A global prayer movement including 777 and 10 Days of Prayer, in which hundreds of thousands of people have participated.