Be Specific
By Pavel Goia
Our son, Ovidiu, purchased a house at an extremely low price, but the house was in poor shape and quite small. He had to remodel and expand it to accommodate his family’s needs. However, prices had gone up considerably. He mentioned repeatedly that he would most likely not be able to complete the work due to lack of finances.
I asked Ovidiu to present his needs before God because He cares for them. He responded that he had been praying about the house, in general.
I then asked him to be very specific in prayer, to present one need at a time, not to pray today for what he would need next week or next month, but to pray today for the need of today. God answers specifically to specific requests. God does not answer generic prayers.
Do not go to God and say, “Lord, save my neighbors.” Instead, say, “My Father, I intercede for my neighbor John. Please touch his heart. Also, please give me wisdom and opportunities to build a friendship with him and reach him with the good news of the gospel.”
Mark 10:47 presents Bartimaeus asking Jesus for help. He cries out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” That is a generic request. In verse 51 Jesus asks him to be specific: “What do you want Me to do for you?” Bartimaeus responds, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight” (NKJV).
Back to my story—our son started praying specifically. He asked God to help him find a team that would dig the hole for the foundation of the house. Then he began searching. However, all teams he contacted were scheduled months in advance, and they all charged somewhere between $18,000 and $22,000. Eventually he managed to negotiate with one team to lower the price to $16,000 and come the following week to dig.
The leader of the team came, but the heavy machinery did not show up. After waiting all morning, the leader lost his patience, said he couldn’t come back for three months, and left. Our son was devastated. He didn’t have any solution.
In desperation, Ovidiu asked God specifically for a team to dig a hole fast, and at a good price. As he finished his prayer, his next-door neighbor approached. “How are you doing?”
Ovidiu responded, “I’m okay. Just looking for a team to dig the hole for my foundation.”
The neighbor shrugged, “Well, I have a team digging the hole for my house right now. Ask them. Maybe they can do yours too.”
Ovidiu instantly ran next door and asked.
The team leader nodded, “Well, since we’re already here with our heavy equipment, as soon as we finish here, we can come and do your job.”
“Can you come and give me an estimate?” Ovidiu asked.
Upon looking, the team leader said, “I will do it for $2,500.”
What joy! Ovidiu saw that God had already prepared an answer, and He was waiting for Ovidiu to ask for it.
“Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend” (Steps to Christ, p. 93). God is calling you to have an open conversation with Him, to present your needs in a clear and specific way. He wants you to have faith in Him, to expect an answer based on His love, wisdom, and promises. He will answer in His time and way, but if you wait upon Him in faith, you will know that His answer is the best answer.
Pavel Goia is the editor of Ministry Magazine and the associate secretary of the Ministerial Department of the General Conference. This story was featured in this year's 10 Days of Prayer at
World Church Prayer Requests
January 17 — 23, 2025
United States: Pray for all those suffering great losses in the Southern California wildfires. Pray that the winds will cease, and the fires will be brought under control before more homes and property is lost. Pray for God’s children to support one another in this great crisis.
Malawi: Pray for the leaders of the newly established conferences in the southern part of Malawi. Pray that they will be focused on the mission of the church and will be receptive to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Côte d'Ivoire: Pray for a revival in the publishing ministries of the West Central Africa Division. Pray that the literature printed there will spread far and wide, touching many hearts for heaven.
United Kingdom: Pray for the ministry of the Derby Chester Green SDA Church at Laurels Sanctuary Care Home. Pray that the monthly evangelistic meetings for residents and staff will be encouraging and inspiring for all those involved.
United States: Pray for Share the Joy, a new Center of Influence in a small town in Maine. Pray that this building will be a safe space to invite Adventists and non-Adventists to meet for prayer, Bible studies, and fellowship.
Zambia: Pray for the Munali Congregation as they currently meet in a shelter that has a roof but no walls. Pray that the members would not be discouraged by heavy rains but would instead be inspired to unite for the goal of adding walls to their church shelter.