God Sent a Messenger - By Jacob Gibbs

God Sent a Messenger

By Jacob Gibbs

I had 25 minutes to spare before my next Bible study. While considering ways to pass the time, I received a distinct impression: “Take the next left, fourth house on the left.”

As I wrestled between doubt and the possibility that God was guiding me, I quickly came to a few conclusions. I had previously thought about knocking on some doors before my study and prayed for guidance to the right homes. The worst thing that could happen was that no one would be home.

With these thoughts in my mind, I drove around the corner and arrived to find three cars in the driveway. As I pinned on my name tag, and stepped out of the car, a woman came out onto the porch.

“Hello, my name is Jacob, and I am with BibleStudyOffer.com. Do you enjoy the Bible?”

“Yes,” she replied.

I handed her a tract and began to share more about the program. After finishing, I offered to pray for her. Instantly, tears welled up in her eyes. She told me that there was a serious issue in the family. We prayed, and I sensed that God was touching her. As we chatted, her husband came outside and shared more details of the stress they were feeling.

“It’s interesting you showed up today. We were just now doubting the existence of God,” he said.

His wife replied, “But God sent a messenger!”

In the book The Desire of Ages, it states that “Jesus knows us individually….He has at times given directions to His servants to go to a certain street in a certain city, to such a house, to find one of His sheep” (p. 479)

May God help us be sensitive to His Voice and lead us to His lost sheep.

Jacob Gibbs pastors the Escanaba, Munising, and Riverside Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Michigan, in the United States. These story was featured in April 2017 Ministry Magazine, which is the international journal for pastors.

To download the blog and prayer requests, click here!

World Church Praise Report & Prayer Requests April 16-23

  • PRAISE REPORT: God did bless the Spring Council meetings. Wonderful spirit and much accomplished. Thanks so much for your prayers.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming World Mission Institute Turkey that starts this next week. Turkey has been quite hostile to Christianity, so we really need God to work. Pray for our General Conference team as they coordinate the adult and children’s programs. Especially pray for safety for our team traveling into and out of the country, as there has been a lot of protest and fighting recently.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Biblical Research Institute Committee, Faith and Science Council, as well as Loma Linda University Board meetings that will all be taking place at Loma Linda this next week. Pray for God to give wisdom in discussions and decisions made.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Also please continue to pray for the “Reach the World: Issues Impacting Children, Women, and Families” leadership conference that will be occurring May 10-13, 2017 in Budapest Hungary. The General Conference Departments of Children's Ministries, Women's Ministries, and Family Ministries are hosting this International Leadership Conference. Please join us in praying that the presence of God will be at this event in a very special way. (For those interested in knowing more about what will take place at this event, you can login to our event site at www.facebook.com/RTWBudapest2017)
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that God will show each one of us what He would have us do to in our own sphere to influence to share our faith with others, and plant seeds for the kingdom.

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