"In the Dream I saw Two Ministers"

“In the Dream, I Saw two Ministers!”

By Kamil Metz

Liz was busy working in her home in Houston, Texas, when suddenly something told her to be still for a moment. Just then, she heard a knock at the door.

When she opened the door, however, she didn’t see anyone. David Pano had already left her porch and was swiftly walking to the next house. Seeing his retreating figure, Liz called out to let him know she was there. David heard her call and returned to her home.

He smiled and handed her a GLOW tract.

“Is this from the Jehovah’s Witnesses?” she asked.

David assured her that it was not and that it was just a Christian tract.

Suddenly, Liz exclaimed, “I have chills right now! Not too long ago I had a dream. In the dream, I saw two ministers of the gospel coming to my house sharing literature. And I knew that they were not Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

David, a minister who works as assistant ministries director at the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Michigan Conference, was thrilled to hear about her dream. The only problem with its fulfillment, he quietly pondered, was that he was there by himself.

Just then, Taylor Hinkle, his ministry partner on that street, arrived. Taylor, a chaplain and Bible teacher at Great Lakes Adventist Academy in Michigan, had run out of GLOW tracts on his side of the street, so he had come to David to get some more tracts. There were now two ministers of the gospel at her door!

Liz looked at David and Taylor.

“I believe that this is from God,” she said. “In my dream, I saw two ministers at my door bringing hope to me. And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, ‘This is your last chance. I’m coming back soon!’

“Please pray for me,” she said. “I need Jesus in my life.”

The two young ministers, who were going door to door with other young adults during GYC’s annual convention in Houston on Dec. 30, 2016, gladly prayed for her. Liz signed up to take Bible studies with a local church.

God sends His people as ministers of hope into this dark and gloomy world to introduce souls to the Source of Hope. Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White wrote, “We are to minister to the despairing, and inspire hope in the hopeless” (The Desire of Ages, p. 350). Why not choose today to be a minister of hope for Jesus?

Kamil Metz is the international director for the GLOW ministry. This story was originally shared on Adventist Mission, and is reprinted with permission.

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West-Central Africa Division Prayer Focus

July 2 - 9, 2017

  • BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE WAD: The West-Central Africa Division is comprised of 22 countries which include: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. In the WAD there is a population of 250 million, with church membership at 700,000. There are 4 main languages spoken in this region: French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Elie D. Weick-Dido, Division President, Kingsley C. Anonaba, Secretary, and Emmanuel S. D. Manu, Treasurer. Pray for the Union leaders, as well as local missions, and pastors.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the West-Central Africa Division as the biggest challenge in this region is trying to reach the countries that are in the 10/40 window.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the WAD evangelism efforts as they hope to double the membership by 2020. To do that their special mission focus in 2018 is to have 20,000 evangelism sites division-wide with preachers from all over the world.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that all members would be involved, in Total Member Involvement, inviting neighbors and friends to hear the good news about our soon coming Lord.
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that the strong-hold of darkness, of control by evil spirits, and enchantment with magic would be broken in these regions of the world. Pray that church members that still dabble in these things would be convicted to separate from darkness and seek to hold on to Christ’s arm of strength!
  • PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for an army of youth to be raised up to serve Christ!

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