Prayer Heals the Scars
By Derek Morris
While preaching at an evangelistic summer camp in Poland in 2018, I met a young adult named Gabriela. She attended the evangelistic presentations each morning and evening, listening attentively to the Word of God. During several conversations with Gabriela, it became apparent that she needed deep emotional healing.
On Sabbath morning, Gabriela was one of about 200 men and women who gathered on the beach at 7 AM, requesting anointing. She recognized, along with many others who were present on the beach that morning, that there is deep healing only our Creator and Redeemer can provide.
About twelve teams of pastors and elders followed the instruction of Jesus recorded by James, and the Lord blessed in miraculous ways. Gabriela decided to commit her life to Jesus through baptism later that same Sabbath. It was a remarkable time of healing and blessing that changed her life forever.
A few weeks ago, I received her testimony and she asked me to share it with you.
Dear Pastor Morris: Three years ago, you baptized me at Camp Zatonie in Poland. Since that time, my life has totally changed. I was impressed to send my testimony to you so you can use my story to share God's love with others. Thank you for your Bible presentations and the conversations we had in Poland. I still remember a situation when we prayed together under the roof while it was raining. It was the first time I prayed on my knees in public. Thank you for everything.
Something wonderful has happened in my life. My faith has become stronger and stronger. Our heavenly Father has been healing my heart. This is why I finally experienced healing from depression! God is teaching me how to forgive people, even my father. I don't have any scars in my heart anymore. Happiness and God’s love fill me fully. It's incredible because I've never felt like this before! Every day I wake up early to spend time with my greatest Friend and Father in one. But there is more! While I was growing in faith, I saw that my friend started to ask me about my view of God. We walked and talked on several occasions. She was impressed by my inexplicable happiness. This experience helped me to realize how much God has changed me. He has healed me, given me hope, and taught me how to love myself and others. I never expected that He would use me to show His character to the rest of His children. I also shared with my cousins and other friends about what God means to me. God has put a desire into my heart to show others His perfect love. It's so amazing and real.
One year ago, I became a member of our church’s Pathfinder Club. I'm officially a patrol leader. I think I've finally found my place in our church!
God is blessing me all the time.
Thank you, Gabriela, for sharing! Truly God can bring life transformation in answer to prayer, and He can heal us from our scars.
Derek Morris is president of Hope Channel International.
World Church Prayer Requests
August 27 – September 2, 2021
- Pray for the thousands who have signed up for Bible studies at in the past months.
- Pray for the 68 Hope Channels around the world, including the latest addition, Hope Channel Indian Ocean.
- Pray for the 29,950 precious souls who were recently baptized as a result of evangelistic meetings that were broadcast to over 3,000 locations by Hope Channel Tanzania.
- Pray for those who are reaching out to Hope Channel for peace and hope as the Covid pandemic continues.
- Pray for the Fula Jalon people. Only 0.01% of the 5,759,000 Fula Jalon of Guinea know Jesus. Pray for this small number of believers as they share Christ with their own people.
To download this week's testimony and prayer requests, click here!