Praying for Grandma

Praying for Grandma

By Duane McKey

A few weeks ago, our Adventist World Radio (AWR) station in Kabwe, Zambia, aired a series of live evangelistic meetings. Mason, an Adventist young man, wanted his grandmother to listen. She was confused about the different religions and days of worship, so he devised a plan.

Mason says, “I tuned in every night, and people gathered to listen to my small radio right here in our village.”

There was no Bible in Mason's village, so he went to a nearby village to borrow a Bible so he could study what was being presented with the people in his own village. “I’m getting old, and I want to know the truth before I die,” his grandmother said as he shared what he was learning.

The presentations so inspired Mason, that when he heard his grandmother utter the words above, he did something extraordinary. He walked 14 miles to our AWR studios to ask for special prayer for his grandmother!

“I took the long journey because I have faith that when other believers join me in prayer, God will, through the Holy Spirit, convince her to know the truth. The meetings were powerful and I couldn't resist taking the risk to walk through the bush and mountains to take my prayer request for my grandmother,” Mason shares.

Wow, what faith and dedication! God is working on hearts everywhere, sometimes in the most unusual ways. And just like the AWR presentations inspired Mason and transformed his grandmother and his village, he in turn inspired us! That's what happens when we work together to share God's precious message: we encourage each other, and often, we are the most blessed of all.

Duane McKey is the president of Adventist World Radio (AWR) whose office is located in Silver Spring, Maryland.

To download this week's blog and prayer requests, click here!

World Church Prayer Requests

February 24 – March 3, 2019

PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the growing ministry of Adventist World Radio. Pray that many more will be able to hear the message of God’s love over the radio waves, and be brought to Him.

PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the cell phone evangelism that is taking off through Adventist World Radio. Thousands of doors are opening to share the truth as we’ve never experienced before.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please join us in praying specifically for the following “Prayer Focus” city. Fuyang, China, has a population of 8,093,000. Fuyang has a very interesting early history. Classical Chinese texts were discovered there that shed light on ancient culture and literature. More recently, however, the region has been touched with rebellion and tragedy. The weather changes frequently, and the people of the city are known to say, “Fuyang has four seasons in spring.”

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for God’s blessing on Fuyang in the following areas:

o Pray for wisdom for Fuyang’s leaders.

o Pray for the families of Fuyang.

o Pray for the young people making major life decisions.

o Pray for those who struggle with their health in Fuyang.

o Pray that the city’s most lonely elderly residents may find friendship.

o Pray for the women of Fuyang—for their safety, education, and well-being.

o Pray for the men of Fuyang—for wisdom, for their careers and their sense of purpose.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue praying for an extra measure of the Holy Spirit upon the General Conference Youth Ministries Department as they will soon be mobilizing Pathfinders and other young adults all over the world to preach at 100,000 different sites for Total Youth Involvement. #TYI19 (To learn more visit:

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