So Many Answered Prayers

So Many Answered Prayers

By Rick McEdward

“I'm yelling at the top of my lungs, I'm so full of answered prayers” (Psalm 13:6 – The Message).

Have you ever felt that way? I know I have. I distinctly remember the first time God answered my prayer. I was in first grade and my parents had given me some Hot Wheels toy cars, which I loved. They gave me permission to take some of them to school with the stern warning not to lose any of them. I took six of them to school the next day and during that first recess I and my friends had so much fun making dirt roads for the cars. When the bell rang to go in, I quickly grabbed the cars but only found five of them. My heart almost stopped as I imagined telling my parents I had lost one. I told my friends and we knelt down in the playground and prayed that God would help us find my one lost car. When we opened our eyes, we found the little toy car sitting right in front of us. That day God confirmed to my young faith that He answers prayer.

When I left home at age 15 to attend an Adventist boarding school, I silently asked the Lord to go with me. It was there that I gave my life to the Lord through the influence of godly teachers and caring people. During this period, my family was not walking with the Lord and they were surprised that I had become a close follower of Jesus. Proverbs 3:5, 6 became more precious to me: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways follow Him and He will direct your paths.”

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about Abraham and Sarah. Paul states in Romans 4:19-21 that Abraham and Sarah’s bodies were basically as good as dead. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 45 years past childbearing age. They were closer to the grave than the marriage bed and, unless God performed a miracle, no baby would be born to them. Yet Abraham remained fully confident that what God had promised He was able to perform.

What are you facing right now that is as “good as dead”? Are you having to wait for an answer to prayer? Have you claimed a promise that has not yet been fulfilled? Have you sensed a calling for your life that has not been realized? Or perhaps you felt that God answered your life-long desire to serve Him in another country, yet you find yourself deeply struggling to adapt to all the changes of a new job, country and culture? You may wonder if God made a mistake. Whatever promise, calling or Biblical desire you may have, ask God for grace to persevere in your faith with patience. God wants us to not only wait on Him but to always trust in Him. God always keeps His promises—the same today as in Bible times.

Rick McEdward is president of the Middle East and North Africa Union for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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World Church Prayer Requests

for Oct. 22 - 29, 2017

PRAYER REQUEST: Pray that we as God’s people will be found faithfully watching and waiting for Jesus’ return. As we face another anniversary of the “Great Disappointment,” it’s easy to wonder, just as the Adventist pioneers did, why Jesus delays His coming. Today, we see prophecies fulfilled all around us. Truly His coming is sooner than we can imagine.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the upcoming “Reformation Seminars” held in multiple locations around the United States as we near the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Pray that many are brought to a clear understanding of Biblical truth and recognize the significance of current events.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Health Clinic to be held at the General Conference on November 5th. It is our prayer to reach out to many of the needy in the local community. Pray that we can minister the love of Christ while meeting practical physical needs.

PRAYER REQUEST: Continue to pray for Division year-end meetings taking place all around the world. Pray that God gives His leaders wisdom in making decisions and in planning for the future.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the ground-work being laid for Total Member Involvement events taking place next year in Japan, Zambia, Ghana, the Philippines and other locations. Pray that even now the hearts of leaders will be touched as preparations are made to share the good news of salvation with a dying world.

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