The Miracle Money in my Wallet
By Andy Martinez
Over the last couple years, since I dedicated my heart to God, He has been teaching me what it means to pray, trust His voice, and walk by faith as I never experienced before.
Just to give you a brief glimpse, I’m a Medical Massage Therapist but in the past I stressed a lot about finances and getting the right clients so I could make enough money to pay the bills. The business I received was all about me and meeting my financial needs. But then God changed my perspective on life, and helped me realign my life priorities on Him. Then my business, and the results of my work began to focus on ministry. It was a radical life shift. Now I’m learning what it really means to live by faith as the majority of the funds I get through massage therapy go to a health and wellness clinic that I’m building in my native country of Panama.
While I’m overseeing this project in Panama, some might find it interesting that I’ve not actually been to Panama for over five years. So a few weeks ago, I decided I was going to take a vacation back to my home country. This wasn’t just a trip to go check on my project, however. This was a real vacation! I’d even found a very affordable vacation package for $400 dollars and had gone ahead and made the reservations. But for some reason, I didn’t have peace about spending that $400 on this vacation. I prayed and asked God why, and I felt the Holy Spirit impressing me that this $400 dollars needed to go toward the building I was currently having remodeled for the health center in Panama. You see, I’d borrowed close to $36,000 dollars to purchase the land and get the buildings remodeled. I was still in debt on the building over $4,500 and the Lord impressed me that I needed to pay off the debt before I took a vacation. Of course, I argued a lot with God, as I felt I deserved this vacation, and I didn’t want to wait. But I finally obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit and cancelled my plans.
“Okay God,” I prayed that day. “I will use this $400 for the building fund, but it’s not enough for the current remodeling project we are working on. I really need $700 to send down to Panama to finish the upstairs that we are working on, but you know I don’t have $700. What am I suppose to do? If you are truly behind this decision for me to cancel my vacation and instead use the funds towards the Health Center, would you somehow confirm this for me, and send me the additional funds for the remodeling?”
The next day, after withdrawing the $400 from the bank, I went to Western Union so I could transfer the funds to Panama. But I had forgotten my wallet, so I had to return home. While I was home, I felt impressed to recount the money I’d gotten from the bank. I argued a bit with God, but I recounted the money. It was $400 dollars, as I expected. “Now count what’s in your wallet,” I felt the Holy Spirit impressing. “But I don’t have any money in my wallet!” I argued again. “Count the money in your wallet!” I felt the Holy Spirit impressing me again.
I opened my wallet. There was a wad of money that had not been in my wallet previously. I counted the money. Combining what was in my wallet with what I’d just withdrawn from the bank, I had exactly $700 dollars. I couldn’t believe it and wept and praised God for the next two hours for the amazing miracle that He had performed. Just as I’d asked, He had confirmed that I’d made the right choice. And not long after he provided the rest of the money to pay off the debt!
God is so good, but I’m convinced, He doesn’t really need our money. After all, He can invent money. He can even stuff money in wallets. What He really needs is our heart! Will we give Him our heart so His work can go forward?
Andy Martinez is a member of the Springfield, MO Seventh-day Adventist Church and has great joy in leading prayer ministry, praying with friends, and sharing his ever-evolving testimony of God’s goodness.
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East Central Africa Division Prayer Focus August 13–20, 2017
BRIEF FACTS ABOUT THE ECD: The East-Central Africa Division is comprised of 11 countries that include: Burundi, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Rwanda, and Somalia. These countries have a population of approximately 400 million people. Seventh-day Adventist church membership in this region is approximately 3.3 million.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s blessing on Blasious M. Ruguri, Division president, Alain G. Coralie, Executive Secretary, and Jerome Habimana, Executive Treasurer. Please pray also for all the Union and Conference leaders in the ECD.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the 100,000 newly baptized church members in Rwanda to stay faithful. Pray for new churches for these members, and an increasing knowledge of Christ. Pray for the new members that will join as a result of their witness this year.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for church members to continue to seek after Christ with all their hearts. Pray for continued revival and reformation in the churches, homes, and schools.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the seven Adventist universities in this territory as well as for the Adventist University of Africa Graduate School, which serves the African continent. Remember Maxwell Adventist Academy in your prayers. It has been a blessing to many young people. Quality Adventist education and dedicated teachers are urgently needed in Africa.
PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the seven mission hospitals in the ECD serving thousands of people with healthcare issues. Pray that people come to Christ through their time in these hospitals and health care facilities.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that all church members will embrace Total Member Involvement and that many more will be brought to the Kingdom.