Touching His Hem

Touching His Hem

By Edith Kiggundu

“Auntie, Grandma has started bleeding in her fingers again.” I sensed fear and despair in the caregiver’s voice as she spoke to me over the phone. “What can we do?” I sat there motionless, without any concrete answer for the issue at hand.

Two years ago, my mother suffered an ischemic stroke. This life-threatening condition had cut off blood flow to the brain, killing brain cells, and left her left leg and arm paralyzed. To minimize the risk of reoccurrence, she was put on blood thinners to keep her blood from clotting too easily.

Now, almost two years later, the caregivers reported that her fingers kept bleeding. This continued for days, and my mother became anemic as a result. The family doctor had no choice but to take her off the blood thinner medications, which left her at a high risk of blood clots again.

Three months later, the family doctor reintroduced the blood thinners giving a minimal dosage. This seemed to work for her, and for two months, there was no bleeding whatsoever. We were hopeful that the problem had been resolved.

So, when I got that call, I felt helpless! But in my confusion, I remembered the story of the lonely woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34. The Bible says that for twelve years, this woman “suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had,” but she only got worse. When she heard of Jesus, she touched the hem of His garment “and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up.”

Upon thinking of this true miracle story, I was encouraged. I asked the two caregivers to kneel and pray with me. In my prayer, I put my mother in the place of this woman. I stretched out my hand on my mother’s behalf, pleading for Divine intervention, saying, “If I may touch the hem of Jesus’s clothes on her behalf, my mother shall be made whole. Do it for Your glory Lord!”

As I got off my knees, God put a song in my heart that said, “My God is so big, so strong and so Mighty there’s nothing that He cannot do…”

I continued to sing that little chorus, and before drifting off to sleep, I said, “God, I know and believe that You are so big, so strong, and so mighty. I know you can stop this bleeding just as you dried up the fountain of blood for the woman in the Bible.”

The following morning, I called to inquire, and was told there was no bleeding whatsoever! I rejoiced and praised God for hearing and answering our prayer.

Edith Kiggundu is married with three adult children and currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada, where she serves as first elder in her local church. She is an educator by profession and is a woman of prayer who is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Edith believes that prayer changes everything. Read more amazing stories at:

World Church Prayer Requests

September 8 - 14, 2023

  • Pray for “Hope For Africa,” a major evangelistic outreach in East Central Africa Division with Pastor Mark Finley, September 2-16, 2023. The meetings will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, and downlinked to 10,000 locations in 11 countries via Hope Channels in the region. We are praying for a great harvest!
  • Pray for the Antioch initiative in the North American Division.
  • Pray for government and those in leadership in your region of the world. Pray that God would raise up more Daniels and Josephs to stand for truth in these places of influence.
  • Pray for strength and courage for our church family facing spiritual persecution in China, Myanmar, Malaysia, and other difficult territories in the Middle East and Asia.
  • Pray for growth of church membership as well as the establishment of a church in Eupen, Belgium.
  • Pray for the vegan cafe called “Manna Haven” operated by the Byron Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Pray for the outreach from this center of influence to grow.

To download this week's testimony and prayer requests, click here

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