Two Testimonies by Young People Who Prayed

Two Testimonies by Young People Who Prayed

“It Was Your Prayers”

By Cori Matsui-Hernandez

It was the winter holiday season and my father was scheduled to have surgery for clogged veins, a result of his struggle with diabetes. The doctors said that he would be in the hospital for three to four days, including Christmas. I’m the only Adventist in my family, and am always looking for ways to encourage them. Realizing that he would be confined in his hospital bed all alone over the holiday, I decided to spend the nights at the hospital with him.

My father received an epidural on the day of his procedure. After four hours, the epidural hadn’t worn off and the doctors began to worry that they had paralyzed him. “We are going to take him for an MRI scan in a few minutes,” they told us. I immediately recognized an opportunity to share with my father about God’s healing power. “Let’s pray together,” I told him. He wasn’t sure about this idea, and the silence that followed was heavy. Then I spoke up again, “Well, it wouldn’t hurt, would it?” I asked. “No. I guess it wouldn’t hurt,” he replied. So, we prayed together—prayed for his limbs to come back to life, but also gave God permission to do whatever would be best for His glory. Not long after, just before he was about to be wheeled away for the MRI scan, he was able to wiggle his toes. Praise the Lord!

The next day the doctor told my father, “Consider yourself lucky!” I wanted to say, “Amen! Praise God.” But to make things less awkward, I just began quietly singing to myself. My father interrupted my singing. “I don’t think it was luck as much as it was your prayers.” Wow! This was a first glimpse of faith in my unbelieving father – what a special gift. And as it turned out, I was able to take my father home in time for our family to spend the holiday together. Praise God for answered prayers!

Testimony by Cori Matsui-Hernandez from Kentwood, Michigan.

“She Wanted Them All!”

One day as I sold Christian literature in California, I asked the Lord to set up divine appointments with individuals who would not only be interested in my books but also in Bible studies. After working for hours with little success, I was very discouraged. Something in my heart told me to keep going, to not give up. At the last door, I met a lady who was not only very interested in the books—she purchased all of them, in fact—but she was also interested in Bible studies. God answered my prayers in a huge way that day! She purchased the collection of books and signed up for Bible studies.

Sometimes God makes you wait, but it’s worth it, because He has big blessings in store.

Testimony by Joseph Cadiz from Paradise, California.

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World Church Prayer Requests

March 11-18, 2018

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the many children and youth around the world who will take an active part in Global Youth Day, and Global Children’s Day on March 17th, 2018. On this special day thousands of young people from around the world church will engage in acts of love and service in their local communities. (To learn more about Global Youth Day, visit: To learn more about Global Children’s Day, visit: )

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray specifically for the young people from your local church that will take part in this special Global Youth/Children’s Day. Pray that their own hearts and lives will be changed for eternity as they catch the great joy in ministering to others.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for “Youth Week of Prayer” which occurs March 17-24th, following Global Youth Day. Pray that many young people will make the decision to follow God during this special week of prayer.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Children’s Ministries Department Director Linda Mei Lin Koh, and Associate Director Saustin Mfune, that God will fill them both with Holy Spirit wisdom as they lead programs for the children of our church.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the General Conference Youth Ministries Department Director Gary Blanchard, as well as Associate Directors Andres Peralta and Pako Mokgwane, that God would guide and direct their steps as they seek to direct young people to the Savior.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the young literature evangelists working in Japan. This week two new Youth Rush Programs are starting in Chiba and Kobe. Each respective program has 14 students with two leaders and will run for three weeks. Please pray for special protection, guidance, and direction for these youth, and that people will attend the evangelistic meetings in May because of their efforts.

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