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Family Togetherness Week - September 2024
The Family Togetherness Week of Prayer is almost here—September 1–7, 2024, is fast approaching! This year’s Devotional Resource: Growing Hearts of Welcome, focuses on understanding diverse families and is available in 9 languages: Chinese (Simplified), English, French, Italian, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Ukrainian. Don't wait—get ready and download the PDF today at to share with your family!
Living a Life of Sacrificial Service
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” This quote by British missionary C.T. Studd deserves our serious reflection. Time is running out. Jesus is coming soon. How are we spending the life that we have? Missionary pilot Gary Roberts, and his wife and family, have dedicated their lives to service. But it has not been without a high cost. They lost their son in the mission field to malaria while their son was still young. Later Gary's father, also a mission pilot, was killed in a plane crash while serving. This summer, Gary himself was hit with an inoperable brain tumor diagnosis. And yet, even in the midst of his downward spiral with terminal illness, Gary's faith stood strong. "No matter what comes, we will trust Jesus," he said. Gary, one of the church's most skilled and experienced mission pilots, is gone now, but it is our prayer that Gary's death will not be in vain, but will inspire many more to get involved with Adventist Missions. We pray you are inspired by the following video of Gary's work in aviation. Again, Jesus is coming soon! Let's use the time we have before it's gone!
Memorizing Scripture
There Has No Temptation Overtaken You - A New Song
Looking for a way to memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13? This simple piece of music will bring you joy to sing. Remember the promise of Jude 24. He is able to carry you and to keep you from falling. He's coming soon! Hold on to Him!
Christian Home and Marriage Week
Christian Home and Marriage Week takes place in February embracing two Sabbaths: Christian Marriage Day that emphasizes Christian marriage and Christian Home Day that emphasizes parenting. Christian Home and Marriage Week begins on the second Sabbath and ends on the third Sabbath in February. We encourage you to take part of these special resources.
Testimonies, Prayer
The Testimony Behind Longing for God
In this inspiring video, filmed at 3ABN, Dr. Frank M. Hasel shares his personal testimony of how God has sustained him through the extreme grief of losing his wife of 21 years to cancer. It was actually this difficult journey that inspired him to write, what is now one of Pacific Press' best selling prayer and Bible journals, Longing for God. Hasel's testimony is packed with practical tips and ideas on how one can learn to find joy and beauty in life again. Everyone can learn something and will be richly blessed by this testimony!
Deeper Walk
Names of Jesus - Thirty Day Study Challenge
Who IS Jesus to You? In a world that is falling apart, do you long for fresh assurance of His love, and that He is fighting for you? Do you long to love Him more? Enjoy the next 30 days looking at some of the different names of Jesus. One Scripture reference is given with each name. We encourage you to look for additional references that bring each specific name to life for YOU! As you open God’s Word looking for Jesus in fresh ways, pray for the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see Him afresh. As you study out these names of Jesus, pray for a heart to love Him more. (Jer. 24:7)
God First - Stewardship Revival Week 2023
The "God First" Stewardship Revival Week materials are now available online in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. We are working on adding the English PowerPoint Presentations soon. As a reminder, the revival week begins on Saturday, November 25 – December 2, 2023. We know that you will be blessed being a part of this special revival initiative.
God Still Lives - Free Sharing Book
This small book of recent true miracle stories and divine providences is changing lives all around the world--maybe your life or your neighbor's life will be next! God Still Lives is a quick read and a great sharing resource for believers as well as non-believers. On every page you will find testimonies that give living proof that we serve the God who still lives and who still loves to speak personally to His children. These books are free. Only charge is shipping, and only request is that you share them freely! (Books ship only to Canada and USA, but PDF available for all!)
Daily Discipleship
Practical Spirituality
In this inspiring article Pavel Goia shares lessons he learned from a woman he met in Cuba. Her love for Jesus, her joy, her sacrifice will inspire every reader and begs us to ask the question, "What are we doing with what we've been given? How are we practically living out our Christianity?"
Creative Ways to Serve your City
Looking for creative ways to minister to those in the city? Adventist Mission to the Cities has dozens of ideas: Ways you can use your hobbies to serve, ways you can reach children, ideas for classes you could offer, tools for starting a life hope center, ways to serve refugee and immigrants in the city, ways your prayer group can serve the city, ways you can minister to university students, creative ways to meet the health needs of those living in cities, and many many more ideas. These ideas may spark new ideas of your own!
Deeper Walk
Life Lessons from Leprosy with Joy Cho
Ellen White writes, "The leprosy of selfishness has taken hold of the Church. The Lord Jesus Christ will heal the Church of this terrible disease if she will be healed. The remedy is found in the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah." In this compelling testimony, the late Joy Cho shares her testimony of working in the leper colonies, and how the life lessons she learned there can apply to our own lives. This is part 10 of a 18 part series that Joy shared as director of The Maker Heals program.
Family Togetherness Week of Prayer
Family Togetherness Week of Prayer is taking place September 3-9, 2023. The resource for this year’s event is titled "Keys to Healthy Minds: Flourishing Families" and can be downloaded from in five languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Please click here to learn more.
Review & Herald, March 22, 1887 par. 1
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