Day 100 - I Will Go… To The End.

I Will Go. . . To My End.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20

“To us also the commission is given. We are bidden to go forth as Christ’s messengers, to teach, instruct, and persuade men and women, to urge upon their attention the word of life. And to us also the assurance of Christ’s abiding presence is given. Whatever the difficulties with which we may have to contend, whatever the trials we may have to endure, the gracious promise is always ours, ‘Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” – Evangelism, p. 15

Heart Questions:

Jesus has called His people to share the gospel message to the ends of the earth, until the end of the world at His soon second coming. We have nothing to worry about as we engage in this work. All authority is His! His Spirit is with us to guide us and empower us! What a wonderful thing it is to have Jesus, the Greatest Missionary of the Universe, with us … to the end, and beyond!

As you have gone through these 100 Days of Prayer, as you and your family have experienced personal revival, let this fire for God not be quenched, but engage in pro-active, selfless, intentional, loving, missionary work. This will not only give you continual revival, but it will result in souls won for Jesus, and a fulfilled life!

Is it your desire to take this next step with and for Jesus? To commit to a lifetime of mission service for Him, wherever you are, and wherever He calls? Trusting in His grace to be sufficient for all challenges ahead? Will you choose today to be more than just a churchgoer, but to become a world-goer; somebody who goes into the world to reach souls with Jesus?

May God bless you as you move forward with Him, to the end of the world, until the end of time!


Praise Reports:

  • Sheri A.: We started church planting in the Osaka area in Japan. After one year, we still had no one attending worship or taking Bible studies. We decided to join the 100 Days of Prayer, and particularly fast and pray for the Holy Spirit during May. Almost immediately the Lord had us bump into a couple in a supermarket who were looking for a church, and seeking God. They immediately wanted Bible studies. Because of the epidemic, they were not working, so we had Bible studies every day, and they attending worship services. Also, one of our neighbors started coming to church. So, we more than doubled our attendance on Sabbath, and a small church is sprouting! Praise God!
  • N.S.: As part of the 100 Days of Prayer I pledged to pray for my area every morning. God opened up a door where I gave Bible studies to a young couple. They are ready to be baptized as soon as the restrictions are lifted! As I went about giving Bible studies to this couple, another woman married to a Muslim businessman requested Bible studies with her 18-year-old son. He then invited his cousin and she decided to join. Today she can't wait to be baptized because of the life-changing truth she has heard. God is working!
  • West Congo Union Mission: Since the beginning of the Total Member Involvement initiative, we had difficulty opening small groups in several districts of Kinshasa. Since the pandemic began it forced the closing of large churches and allowed the opening of family churches. To date, we have more than 200 family churches. Even in neighborhoods that did not have an Adventist presence. These churches are involved in evangelism and have brought 82 souls to the Lord. 100 Days of Prayer has cemented the relationships and spiritual growth in these churches.
  • Viviana H.: Praise the Lord that during these 100 Days of Prayer He allowed us to start a small group at home with our neighbors and they are getting to know Jesus. Through ADRA we have been able to continue to help the Venezuelan refuge population in Colombia with health services.
  • Praise God for the hundreds and hundreds of praise reports we have received! God has truly turned this pandemic into blessings all around the world as His people humbled themselves and prayed!

Day 100 - Prayer Focus

  • Pray for continued revival through faithful mission work until the end of time. Pray for the outpouring of the early and the latter rain so that the work can be finished.
  • Pray for the mission work of the church in the frontlines and the hard-to-reach places around the world, such as the 10/40 window, North Korea, the Middle East, etc.
  • Pray for all unspoken and unmentioned prayer requests that have been sent in.
  • Pray for the soon return of Jesus Christ!

Going Deeper: Additional reading suggestions for this week

• Ellen White, The Controversy Ended

• Frank Hasel, Making Friends for God

To download this week's devotional and prayer requests, click here

Visit the We-Pray Online Prayer room or leave your prayer requests below!

100 Days of Prayer are over, … what’s next?

We want to thank you for your participation in the 100 Days of Prayer with tens of thousands of your brothers and sisters around the world! Thank you for praying, for not letting this pandemic bring you down, but putting your trust in Jesus and even engaging in reaching out to be a blessing to others during this unprecedented time. We praise God for the hundreds of praise reports we have received! But we also want to encourage you to not to give up if you have not seen an answer to a certain request yet. Persevere and have faith! God will come through in His best way, at the best time.

Eternity will reveal the full results of what your continued prayers have accomplished and will continue to accomplish by God’s grace!

The 100 Days of Prayer initiative might be over, but prayer is not! Revival and Reformation from God is always available! Jesus told us to continually ask for more of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13); Prayer is the breath of the soul (Prayer, p.12); Jesus and His Word is the bread of life (John 6:35); And there are many people around us who we can witness to!

All these crucial elements of the spiritual life need to be engaged in on a daily basis in order to grow in Christlikeness.

We, as the Revival and Reformation team, want to help you along the journey! Here are a few events and resources that are completely free, which you can access and subscribe to today:

  • United in Prayer (Available in English)
    • This is the continuation of the 100 Days of Prayer. Once a week, you will receive a powerful devotional thought, world church prayer requests, praise reports and new resources from the Revival and Reformation website.
    • Sign up at
  • Believe His Prophets (Available in English, Español, Français)
    • Reading through the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy with brothers and sister from around the world. You will receive one Bible chapter per day, and one Spirit of Prophecy chapter per week.
    • Sign up at
  • I will Go – World Church Strategic Plan 2020-2025 Launch
  • Growing Library of Spiritual Resources

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United in Prayer

A global prayer movement including 40 Days of Prayer and 10 Days of Prayer, in which hundreds of thousands of people participate.